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Jun 17th 2019
To my friends & class-mates & colleagues. If you're thinking it's too late to startup - you're probably wrong :)

Age & wisdom make a startup far more likely to succeed. Even if you won't get breathless media like a 21 yr old dropout :)

Step 1: Ensure you've built up a nest-egg to manage your finances for 2-3 yrs at a low burn-rate. Get your spouse to support you. It will take time to start getting serious cashflow. Until then you want to reinvest into the business.

Step 1: Ensure you've built up a nest-egg to manage your finances for 2-3 yrs at a low burn-rate. Get your spouse to support you. It will take 3 yrs for you to start getting serious cashflow. Until then you want to reinvest into the business.

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