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Jul 18th 2022
📰 | 2022 tem nos proporcionado belíssimas histórias, atuações e OST’s com os k-dramas exibidos até agora e a Soompi listou os 11 melhores. 

Confira na thread: Image
1. #ThroughTheDarkness

Estrelado por #KimNamGil, é baseado na história real do primeiro profiler sul coreano e acompanha um oficial da polícia que é recrutado para o time de Análise do Comportamento Criminal devido a sua esperteza. ImageImage
Com uma atuação impecável e um roteiro instigante, o tom e a atmosfera de ‘Through The Darkness’ são tudo o que poderíamos pedir em um drama criminal e de mistério. ImageImage
Read 24 tweets
Mar 16th 2022
'#SemanticError' Park #SEOHAM "The turning point in my life, became more ambitious" - SPOTV News P1 8.03.22

S: I still don't really believe it (laughs) when someone else would say that, I would think 'can they really not believe it' and was curious but I really can't believe it. Image
S: I still can't believe it. I went through some hardships and so every interest, reaction is so valuable and precious to me.

About the KKT chatrooms
S: Sometimes when I see the chatroom I tear up without knowing it. It's the same with DMs. When I see the fan's messages I think
S: 'is this a dream', 'is this real'. Words like 'thank you for holding on', 'thank you for being Jang Jaeyoung' all make me emotional. My existing fans and new fans are always saying 'I hope you succeed more', I tear up because of that. It's more emotional when I read it at dawn
Read 23 tweets

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