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Today I wanted to share the #한자

수(數)= number, several, count

수학(number+study)= mathematics
수학자(mathematics+person)= mathematician
숫자(number+character)= a number
소수(small+number)= decimal, fraction
지수(finger+number)= index number
수량(number+amount)= quantity
배수(multiple times+number)= multiple
산수(calculate+number)= arithmetic
대수(replace+number)= algebra
수열(number+to arrange in order)= progression

Additionally you can also use it as a prefix attached to a (round) number.

(Exemples will clarify)
수십 책= tens of books
수백 달러= hundreds of dollars
수천 명= thousands of people
수만 년= tens of thousands of years
수백만 원= millions of wons

Can also be uses as a prefix before 년, 월, 일,시간,세기, 개 mean several (sth.)

수년= several years
수세기= several centuries
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Today I wanted to share this #한자. I learned then since quite some time but my attention was drown to them once more since I learned that they might be used in everyday life (the charecters themselves; and not only as part of a word written in 한글).
You might find them in menus indicating portion sizes (like in the linked photo) or in stores and supermarkets to differentiate between different size of items. For that reason I linked an image of each one of them. They are

소(小)= small
중(中)= middle
대(大)= big
소= small, tiny

소규모(small+rule+standard)= small scale
축소(reduce+small)= reduction
축소하다= to minimize
소인(small+person)=child, dwarf, stingy person
최소(most+small)=smallest, minimum
소장(small+intestines)= small intestine
소형(small+model/type)= small size
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