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May 28, 2018, 9 tweets

[JoyRene Social Media AU]

Joy and Irene, two of the university’s top beauties. People always compare them and are deemed as rivals. Both appear to hate on each other

...but do they really dislike each other?


~ updates might be slow so i apologize in advanced
~ this is just a cliché one so...yeah
~ please don’t mind the dates and time

anyway, i hope you enjoy 😄
thank you very much

Joy, the social media famous girl

Irene, the non-social media active popular girl
[she has no account so please just look at her beautiful face 😅]

Despite the hate, they have common friends

Yeri, Wendy and Seulgi

[Let’s start 😊]

Joy’s updates

Grandma and the kid

Another update

Yeri’s question

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