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Inside the Lion’s Den

May 29, 2018, 12 tweets

THREAD This is what you need to know about the far-left slate before voting in elections for Labour's ruling NEC.…

Seven of the nine candidates are on the executive committee of @CLPD_Labour who helped block a members' vote on Brexit at last year's conference and defended Ken Livingstone just days before his resignation.

At least five of the nine candidates have expressed doubts over expulsions on issues like antisemitism, and another five are likely to oppose a members' vote on the party's Brexit policies. Here they are in more detail:

CLPD chief @PeterWillsman has claimed that antisemitism allegations are linked to "our political enemies" and said "some of our MPs deserve to be attacked".

Momentum boss and CLPD executive member @jonlansman has claimed that antisemitism is being used "opportunistically" and dismissed members calling for a vote on the party's Brexit policy as having "an agenda of undermining Jeremy".

Islington councillor @ClaudiaWebbe, also a member of CLPD's executive, defended her old employer Ken Livingstone when he compared a Jewish journalist to a Nazi concentration camp guard. She too has dismissed the need for a members' vote on Brexit policy.

PCS officer @darrenw_cardiff is on the CLPD executive. He retweeted a statement claiming antisemitism was being "systematically exaggerated" and defended Mike Sivier who said it "may be entirely justified" to say Tony Blair was "unduly influenced by a cabal of Jewish advisers".

Momentum NCG member and CLPD officer @hudaelmi_ has called a members' vote on the party's Brexit policy a "stunt" adding that she is "sick to death of middle class western Europeans cloaking themselves in Brexit victimhood".

Manchester councillor @Yasmine_Dar campaigned as having backed Corbyn "from the start" but voted for Andy Burnham in 2015's leadership contest. Last year she shared a platform with a speaker who says the UK is "controlled by Zionism" at a celebration of Iran's Islamic Revolution.

At CLPD, @LabourRachel is responsible for drafting motions and has several proposed on divisive issues like mandatory reselection of MPs prepared for this year's conference. She has also expressed concerns over "the volume of excluded members" in Labour's disciplinary process.

Scotland's Regional Organiser for the CLPD, @AnnHend88977240, has not expressed a public view on Brexit as her employer the Scottish Trade Union Congress debated the issue, but was previously a senior figure at pro-Brexit union the RMT. She is also involved with Momentum.

New addition to the far-left slate @NavPMishra works for Unison and is an active member of Unite. He set up a local branch of Momentum in his hometown Stockport.

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