“Mussolini is in Heaven, after a few years of Purgatory”
– Blessed/Saint mystic stigmatic Edvige Carboni
Once a lady from the same region as Edvige (Sassari) went to see Padre Pio and he told her:
“You have come here looking for me? Well I tell you: In your region there is a saint, her name is Edvige Carboni. In God’s sight she is greater than me.”
In the 1950s, catholic Donna Rachele (Mussolini's wife) went to visit Padre Pio:
DR: "What about my husband? Did he save his soul?"
St Padre Pio: "Did he not tell you in a dream? Stand up, pious woman, and go in perfect peace. Your husband is safe, think of saving yourself."
Blessed mystic stigmatic Mother Speranza:
"I saw Mussolini's soul sparkling in Heaven"
In 1961, Blessed mystic stigmatic Sister Elena Aiello had a vision of Benito Mussolini who tells her he had saved his soul.
–"Donna Rachele. Con il Duce, oltre il Duce", Elena Bianchini (p. 300)
Elena Aiello had already sent a letter to il Duce after a vision she had where Jesus said:
1 "I sent Mussolini to save Italy. Otherwise they would be worse off than [Communist] Russia"
2 "I protected him from many dangers. He must keep Italy out of war"
There is more on Mussolini Catholic & salvation
St Pio Pietrelcina
Blessed Elena Aiello
Fr Francesco Spadafora
Blessed Edvige Carboni
Mother Speranza
Fra Ginepro da Pompeiana
Fr Eusebio Zappaterra
Fr Franco Giuliano
Fr Ennio Innocenti
Fr Ciro Macrelli
Mussolini 1924 letter to St Padre Pio:
"Dear and beloved Brother,
I testify of your love for the truth:
1-It has brought me back to God!
2-Your faith is my object of my preparation for reconciliation.
From fascist to fascist.
Believe me yours,
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