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#윤기: googie best boy // '00

Jun 2, 2018, 51 tweets

[ yoonkook au ]
wherein jungkook has a habit of texting random people whenever he's bored (totally dangerous, if you think about it), and ends up texting a certain someone named yoongi.

— timestamps are inaccurate but i try to keep them consistent
— this is my first au pls help
— maknae line are friends
— hyung line are friends
— seokjin knows everyone

do you want side ships as well?

01: kook is bored

02: where do u hide the bodies????

03: save me

04: try hobi?

05: 52-Hz whale

06: murderer probs

(sorry for the typos)

07: we been knew sis

...and the side ships are vmin and namjin!!

08: triple high note king???

09: dramatic gasp

10: for the aesthetic

11: 🅱ye

12: lil meow meow is going to kill me

13: jungkook, what the fuck

14: lil meow

15: kookie

16: memekook

17: messed up body clock

18: oh right

19: fellas

20: middle man

21: excited

22: killer

23: reply yoongi tf

this au is being translated to turkish! if u prefer to read this au in turkish, then go check out @galaxywithtzuyu's translation!

24: sharing is caring

25: im coming for ur ass

26: kOo

27: tweets

28: h-hyung

29: chaotic gay

for the next parts, what do u want to see?

🐰: written text of jk and yg's meet up
🐱: texts only !! (this will make a jump cut to after they meet)

30: where's my kimchi

31: oof

32: thank me later

33: calm ur gayness

34: [gay panic]

a written text of their first meeting will be up next!

also, pls remember to quote if u want to comment to prevent the thread from breaking! i almost messed up yesterday by tweeting the wrong photo lol

i just realized that the recent updated had tons of grammatical errors on them ohmygod im cringing so hard im sorry for not proofreading :(((

35: cute

36: whalien 52

37: for payment

38: attack

39: wait

40: thats... cute 😳

41: lmao y**ngi

42: smolbabybunbun.jpg

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