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its bts world

Jun 3, 2018, 45 tweets

TAEKOOK AU in which Jungkook loves to work out, Taehyung strongly denies he has a muscle kink and Jimin is their #1 exposer

1. tae is a drama queen

2. he is the master

3. Jimin is that one friend

4. so fellas

5. yoongi is a genius


7. Jimin is evil


9. save namjoon

10. a little bit of yoonmin

11. Jungkook stop sulking 2k18


13. updates with Jimin

14. a big gay panic

15. wait-

16. they are perfect for each other

17. he is not sorry

18. Jeon Jeongguk aka the stalker

19. Will the paths cross?


21. expresso yourself

22. vmin is soft okay

23. he is feeling brave


25. taehyung is weak

26. Jimin exposed them again

27. basically Taekook wanting to kill Jimin

28. #trusthim


30. how to start a conversation

31. because he is an angel

32. he's died

33. pick up lines

34. they are hopeless

35. I'm Jungkook

36. romance is dead

37. should he be concerned?


39. stay strong Jimin

40. updates with jimin

41. it's betrayal

42. he wants to smooch

43. he did it


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