DocRock1007 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Dreampop Musician, Follower of Jesus, Child of Joy, father of 4, devoted ex-, ex-liberal and sky-pilot, 12-steppin' surfer, & so much less

Jun 11, 2018, 13 tweets

1. #QAnon just dropped pictures from Singapore:
"Start the Clock.
A Week to [Remember].
Think Logically.
First private [CLAS-5(6)]
Second public.
Blackwater on GUARD.
Evidence KILLS.
These people are STUPID.

2. #QAnon's first pics,
are thought by anons to be ORIGINALS (taken LIVE), whereas the third,
is public/already taken.

"First private [CLAS-5(6)]
Second public.

3. Is #QAnon not reminding us of the
"First private" = secret Nov mtg with KJU &
"Second public" = current Jun 12 summit.

6. #QAnon Rosenstein's refused to release the FBI/DOJ dox. @POTUS signed EO (pen pic) for release. IG rpt - heavy redactions re: Hussein call Bill C & L Lynch during tarmac mtg. Comey, McCabe, Lynch, Priestap, Strozk, Page implicated. UK SIS involved. 24 FBI agents to testify. #Q

7. #QAnon posts another pic from Singapore w filename "Specx". #Q'd shared a pic last month of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, in the distance.

8. #QAnon tells us to "Track ALL suicides", exemplfying Kate Spade's "suicide" as well as other recent "suicides" tracing to Clinton Foundation and Hussein.

"Expect A LOT more.

9. #QAnon: Hmmm...It appears that #Q saying all pics are "originals" doesn't necessarily mean they were taken by Q team members. The pics may include those that were "pulled"/intercepted (from black hats?). Were earlier pics of Marina Bay Sands Hotel of such origin?

10. #QAnon confirms such are "Not necessarily from /ourguy/s…"

11. #QAnon gives a False Flag weather alert worldwide. Be prepared for #DeepState to try something to detract from what's happening good this week..

12. Most recent prior #QAnon thread is unrolled here:…

13. @threadreaderapp please unroll this latest #QAnon thread here:

14. #QAnon tells of "A Week to [Remember]." An anon points away from US #ClownMedia's lame snipes to explicate the extraordinary preparation, and ground-breaking nature of the historic summit. #Q

15. #QAnon:
"Think Spade.
Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).
Trace to Import/Export.
Trace from China/MX to Long Beach.
Trace sale/spin off of Co.
Trace to CF.
Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).
Who granted?

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