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Jun 18, 2018, 11 tweets

The battle over the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy on immigration is intensifying, with lawmakers in both parties condemning it as cruel and inhumane.@gayleking is in McAllen, Texas, leading our team along the southern border.

"The statue of Liberty is weeping," says @gayleking on what she's witnessed in McAllen, Texas

More than a thousand migrants were being processed in the facility yesterday morning. That includes more than 500 families, and 197 unaccompanied children. @DavidBegnaud was part of a select group of reporters who got to see inside the facility. Here's what he saw:

"What we saw were people being held in cages - which look like animal kennels. We weren't allowed to record anything...many detainees sat there their with blank stares," says @DavidBegnaud

Border Patrol says in my cases, children separated from their parents are sent to live with a relative in the U.S. but on average it takes 57 days for those children to be released to them. So far, more than 1100 kids in this sector have been separated from their parents

A newly opened tent city along the Texas border is at the heart of the national immigration debate. The temporary housing facility for unaccompanied immigrant minors at the Tornillo port of entry last week. Each tent holds about 20 kids. @cbsmireya is near that facility:

The tents are surrounded by layers of fencing, dirt roads, and produce fields. Some of the minors staying there were separated from their families that crossed into the U.S. illegally.

Manny Padilla is Chief of the Rio Grande Valley sector of Customs and Border Protection. He's responsible for the busiest area of illegal crossings in the country and for implementing policy. He's discussing that and more right now only on @cbsthismorning

Do you agree with this policy or are you carrying out duties?
"I do agree that we have to do something. We created this situation by not doing anything," says Manny Padilla

How is it okay for the children to be taken away their parent without information?
PADILLA: "That's misinformation"

@GAYLEKING: "I had parent after parent tell me that they weren't told where their child is're saying they're not telling the truth to me?"

President Trump still blames Democrats for his administration's new immigration strategy. Lawmakers in both parties oppose the current policy and are looking for ways to change it. @PaulaReidCBS reports from the White House:

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