southpaw Profile picture
Writer, lawyer, Dodger fan, idealist, hater. nycsouthpaw18 at gmail. RTs = endorsement or scorn. Insta / bluesky / threads same handle.

Jun 23, 2018, 10 tweets

Is this the most informative way to describe the cofounder of a pro-confederate monuments astroturf PAC?…

1- (screenshot below from…)
2- Liberty PAC board bios:
3 - story on Liberty PACs work to keep a confederate memorial plaque on a WV courthouse…

Excerpt from her PAC bio—took about 10 minutes to find all this btw.

I’d ask @jwpetersnyt directly but he blocked me for (I think) asking him a another question back in December 2016. Oh well.

Peters responds. Anders’ pro-confederate monuments PAC was very active last year, including in the wake of Trump’s Charlottesville comments, and afaik remains a going concern. Thx to @brianbeutler

In every indirect response to this thread, @jwpetersnyt calls the subject of his lead anecdote a “former Rand Paul activist” but doesn’t address her apparently ongoing activism defending confederate monuments. ⛽️💡

Oh sorry Ron* my bad

More than a day later, this news story is still on the top of the NYT site and they still haven’t fixed its misleading lede. At least S.E. Cupp acknowledged the issue.

... the similar issue in her recent op-ed, that is.

Interesting @IChotiner interview w/ Peters on all this. This bit imo reveals that he didn’t take the criticisms too seriously. Her bio, which notes that she’s the PAC’s cofounder, appears on a page headed “BOARD MEMBERS.” (…

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