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NAV/CG Vet1982-2013, Defender of our country, the environment and our kids future. #TheResistance #VoteBlue @Dragonstone1963@universeodon.com

Jul 1, 2018, 14 tweets

The "WalkAway" movement
If you haven't seen this on twitter or FB you need to be aware of the latest propaganda amplified by bots/trolls to dissuade us from voting democrat. I have made a few posts about them but realized a thread was needed to inform everyone of their agenda

One note on this thread, I will not be using # so as to not cause this to trend or aid in trending this "movement". I recommend those that reply or post about WalkAway to not use # for the same reasons.

WalkAway is a propaganda campaign that has been in the background building followers and propaganda waiting for the right moment to surface. As November nears and our momentum has been building (43 seats flipped) it has been deployed to push voters away from voting Dem.

Below are screen shots of the walkaway movement, it has gained traction in the past few days. As mid-terms get closer the attempts via propaganda and troll/bot networks to influence voters to not vote Dem will increase into an all out war to get voters to vote GOP or not vote.

Screen shot of a FB search. Look at the number of views for these videos. This is just a fraction of what came up in the search.

Here's an example of one of the many web sites pushing "walkaway" (They also have a twitter account.)

The Deplorable House Wives' site quotes Brandon Straka and if you click on his name it leads to this FB profile.

He is also featured on this web site.

And has a Go Fund me page, (that has not done very well on raising funds...)

Finding information about Brandon Straka has been difficult. Any help would be appreciated. I did find this one article or "interview".


I have not been able to find out who is backing or funding this movement, other than guessing, so I'm not going to post about that topic unless I have verifiable information, however, this does follow known Kremlin narratives.

We will not be able to stop the forthcoming wave of propaganda driven by bot and troll networks, but we can mitigate the damage by staying informed of this attack and getting the facts out to the voting public.

We can overcome this with persistence, countering with facts, and working together to get people to vote, continuing the momentum of flipping seats from red to blue throughout the country. November will be our biggest battle before 2020 and we must negate the propaganda and VOTE

And of course Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA ( I have posted threads on them) would be pushing walkaway. I recommend using twitter search to see how fast this is spreading, the other versions of walkaway and the bots that have mobilized in a very short time.

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