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NSFW, 18+ ONLY ◦ Willow ◦ Full-Time Furry Comic Artist ◦ Sapphic Sanguine Epicurean Hedonist ◦ Queer Bliss ◦ BLM/ACAB ◦ 🏳️‍⚧️ ◦ She/Her ◦ Personal: @WillowPoss

Jul 6, 2018, 35 tweets

Crossing That Bridge - Page 1

The first page of my first ever longform comic project, originally exclusively posted over to Patreon! You can keep up with this comic for just $2 a month, and hey, patrons are already able to read up to page 4! ;V


Page 2! Tons of dialogue! And I drew an entire dang car!!

And we're already up to page 5 on Patreon! Consider pledging and get all sorts of other goodies! <3


It's page 3!! Junip and Lewis have spent all day together sorting out car troubles and catching up, but something tells me Junip just dropped a lil' bombshell there...

Already up to page 6 over on Patreon! ;>


Page 4!! What's a porn comic without just the smallest dosage of sadness? ;P

Read up to page 7 on my Patreon! - patreon.com/glopossum

Director's Commentary (picture my sona in one those director's chairs wearing a beret): Panel 5 is heavy, heavy foreshadowing.

Always stay a few pages ahead on my Patreon! - patreon.com/glopossum

Junip forgot to do something very, very important.

Always stay a few pages ahead on my Patreon! - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - Junip's the type to always try and make the most of his given situation, even if he's subject to Beruca's hasty decision-making!

Red also makes an appearance, but they could not be reached for comment.

Read up to page 10 on my Patreon! - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - Junip may not have too many talents to boast about, but his selfie game is very, very strong.

Always stay a few pages ahead on my Patreon! - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - Junip seldom experiences rejection in his life (his natural luck's a 9/10), so when it does occur, he tends to be... dramatic about it.

And it looks like more drama's right around the corner!

Always stay a few pages ahead on my Patreon! - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - The tension in the room is almost as thick as Junip's dick.

Well folks, we finally made it to the cover image! Can't wait to show you where things are gonna go from here! ;3

We're up to page 13 on my Patreon! - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - To Lewis' credit, I think you could call this a completely natural reaction to seeing a monster dick, gay or not.

Read up to page 14 on my Patreon! - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - Junip pops the big question, Lewis pops something else.

Still a teensy bit behind due to MFF, but I'm about to roll out two pages at once on Patreon! Give my page a gander! - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - Lewis sheds some weight off of his shoulders, and Junip immediately formulates a dozen outfits to put him in.

Just finished up 3 new pages at once!! Read up to page 17 over on Patreon - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - He may keep it all confined to his closet, but Junip is still, and forever will be, a messy twink.

Read up to page 18 over on Patreon!! - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - All those hours Junip saved by never organizing his closet must've been spent on introspection, because he's got a surprising amount of himself figured out!

And he can navigate that closet like a pro, anyway.

Read 4 pages ahead on Patreon! - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - Junip's not usually so demanding or authoritative, but I think he's just as eager as anyone to see Lewis done up in lingerie!

Just posted page 20 on my Patreon! ♥ - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - No words needed, only the sound of Junip's breath being taken away.

Always stay a few pages ahead on my Patreon! ♥ - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - Junip exists in the overlap of a venn diagram between "genuinely caring", "extremely lucky", and "lovable moron." It hasn't failed him yet!

Wanna know how this unfolds? Read a few pages ahead on Patreon! ♥ - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - In a previous life, Junip was a fast draw champion in the old West. Present day Junip is putting those same skills to good use.

Always stay a few pages ahead on my Patreon! ♥ - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - Well folks, we finally made it to the sex scene. Junip must be thinking the same thing because he's really savoring that view! ♥

Always stay ahead on my Patreon! - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - Junip asks that question like he doesn't already know the answer to it (really, really, really good).

Just uploaded two new pages over on my Patreon! Read up to page 24 starting at just $2 a month! ♥ - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - Lewis has become suddenly and acutely aware of breadth of sexual expertise wielded by Junip, and is totally here for it.

Check out my Patreon, where you can always read a few pages ahead on this comic! ♥ - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - Some things in life can wait, but taking a friend's cumshot directly to the face/mouth just ain't one of them for Junip right now!

We're only a couple pages ahead on Patreon, but after BLFC I'll be drawing up 2 pages at once for my patrons! ♥ - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - Why stop at showcasing just one new sexual experience when you can mix in other fun new kinks for your friend to try out? Sure, there's always the risk they may not love it, but if Lewis' face is any indicator, they've fantasized about snowballing once or twice or daily.

[NSFW] - Not only has Junip assumed the role of Lewis' personal sex & kink guide, he's also just helping to relieve some stress off the boy's back! All that time spent moving means he's probably a little bit pent up... ;V

[NSFW] - Junip is infamous for acting awfully cocky about his stupidly huge dick, but he is, at the very least, merciful when it comes to topping.

Always stay ahead on my Patreon! ♥ - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - Add another one to the list of "kinks that Lewis is accumulating over the course of a single night."

Just uploaded another new page over on my Patreon! ♥ - patreon.com/glopossum

[NSFW] - Lest we forget that the best kink of all is openly communicating and respecting other's boundaries.

Junip is a good dom. ♥

[NSFW] - Junip's "Wonderful!" from the previous page was half an expression of genuine excitement, and half realizing that Lewis is probably more susceptible to dominant language than he cares to admit. ;P

[NSFW] - Lewis tries their best to mimic what they've seen in porn, learns that they were born with no gag reflex along the way.

Meanwhile: Junip is freaking out because most of his sexual partners can't deepthroat him.

[NSFW] - Junip's sass appears to be contagious, tread cautiously Lewis! You might just turn into a powerbottom yourself!

[NSFW] - I think Lewis has the right idea here: Any and all intermediate sex banter should be accompanied with a healthy amount of Giant Dick Fondling (careful with all that pre coming out though, you might slip and fall)!

[NSFW] - Sorry, Junip. For however clever your whole "superhero" bit might've been, it makes sense that Lewis' growing eagerness to top the hell out of you would take over. ♥

[NSFW] - Dang, Lewis caught on pretty quick to the topping game, didn't he? He'll have Junip singing in no time. ♥

[NSFW] - Junip puts his prettied-up legs/rudimentary knowledge of martial arts to excellent use, while the fate of Lewis's sexuality is sealed in a smudge of lipstick on his nose. ♥

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