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Loudmouth writer. “If I were to remain silent, I'd be guilty of complicity.” –Albert Einstein

Jul 9, 2018, 13 tweets

What if Trump has been a Russian asset since 1987? Will he be meeting with his counterpart – of his handler? Trump’s determination to conciliate Putin is raising suspicions among the public & probably among hawkish @GOP senators.
via @intelligencer #Maddow nym.ag/2u3oiPw

As Trump prepares for his private meeting with Putin, the collusion between them metastasizing from accusation into an open alliance, it would be dangerous not to consider that the summit is a meeting between a Russian-intelligence asset and his handler.
by @jonathanchait #Maddow

● In early Jan 2017, the CIA told Israeli intelligence officials that Russia had “leverages of pressure” over Trump, warning them not to share secrets with his admin lest they leak them to Russia.
● In May 2017, Trump shared Israeli intelligence with Russian diplomats.

Jan 12, 2017, CIA to Israeli intelligence: “Be careful” as of Trump’s inauguration date. Until it's clear that Trump isn't compromised by Russia or being extorted, avoid revealing sensitive intel to his admin for fear it will reach the Iranians.
#Maddow ynetnews.com/articles/0,734…

Once they were married in 1977, Czech spies in NYC monitored Trump & Ivana [whose father had ties to Czech secret police] & passed info to the KGB. According to Czech files declassified in 2016, Ivana spoke of Trump's growing interest in politics.

As Trump tells it, the idea for his first Moscow trip came in 1986, after he "found himself" seated next to Soviet ambassador Dubinin, who knew all about Trump Tower. The KGB almost certainly made Trump's 1987 Moscow trip happen – and they didn't do that out of altruism.

Dubinina's daughter: There was a determined effort by the Soviet govt to seek out Trump. "My father’s visit worked on Trump like a bee to honey.”
Trump, 1987: “One thing led to another...now I’m talking about building a luxury hotel...in partnership with the Soviet govt.”

Trump: “In Jan 1987, I got a letter from ambassador Dubinin. The leading Soviet state agency for international tourism, Intourist, had interest in pursuing a joint venture for a Moscow hotel.”
There were better developers in the US — why pick Trump? The KGB ran Intourist.

While in Moscow in Jul 1987, the Trumps stayed at the National Hotel, which was under KGB control, in the Lenin suite, which would have been bugged. Then, in Oct 1987, despite refusals to do so in 1980 & 1984 due to "red tape," Trump announced he was running for POTUS.

Ex-Russian spy explains KGB methods: "Once in Moscow, they receive lavish hospitality. Everything is free [but w/ security cameras]...It’s at this point you say, ‘Knock, knock! Remember the marvelous time in Moscow? We just show you something...'"

1980, when asked if he would like to be POTUS
Trump: I really don’t believe I would. I think it’s a very mean life.

Trump: I wouldn’t run for office because of “false smiles” & “red tape.”

1987, upon returning from Moscow
Trump: I'm running!
#Maddow politi.co/2Dsc5tA

The secret service of communist-era Czechoslovakia [the StB, who shared intel with the KGB] spied extensively on Trump in the 70's & 80's. In 1988, informant “Milos” reported that Trump was being put under considerable pressure to run for POTUS.
#Maddow bit.ly/2KS3pR9

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