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Jul 14, 2018, 12 tweets

1/ THREAD (Click on "Show this thread") This is my presidential candidates list for 7/14/18. Changes: Kamala Harris remains top pick. Adam Schiff trades places with Avenatti. Joe Biden moves to third, & Joe Kennedy III moves to fourth. Elizabeth Warren remains at bottom of list.

2/ Michael Avenatti switches with Adam Schiff based on popularity for fighting Trump in court. Ted Lieu remains on the Second Tier displacing Kirsten Gillibrand on a previous list. Cory Booker and Deval Patrick stay the same.

3/ Kirsten Gillibrand holds the top of the Third Tier. Terry McAuliffe, Jeff Merkley and Howard Dean hold on to same positions as last list.

4/ Bernie Sanders holds the top of the Fourth Tier, though his position is deemed not secure at this level. Steve Bullock, Sherrod Brown and Tom Steyer show no movement.

5/ No changes as Andrew Coumo holds steady. Eric Garcetti, Hillary Clinton and Richard Painter hold their positions on the Fifth Tier.

6/ Rachel Maddow and Robert Mueller dominate the Sixth Tier driven by immense popular support. Eric Holder moves back on the list at the Sixth Tier. Chris Murphy holds on to his spot.

7/ Michael Bloomberg, Bill de Blasio and John Kasich hold their positions. John Kerry leaves the list and Elizabeth Warren moves into last place. (Dear candidates, if you have other photographs you would like me to use, please send them to me.)


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