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We do Zionism.

Jul 19, 2018, 15 tweets

THREAD: Labour redefined antisemitism so its members could continue to express Jew hatred without fear of being expelled. All of the following are actual examples of antisemitism from prominent members that could be permitted under the new guidelines. #ForTheManyNotTheJew

Labour Engagement Officer Bob Campbell:

Labour Councillor Luke Cresswell:

Labour Councillor Andy Slack:

Labour Councillor Ilyas Aziz:

Labour Councillor John Clarke:

Labour Councillor Max Tasker

Labour Councillor Mohammad Shabbir

Labour Councillor Salim Mulla

Manchester Labour Students Leader Tayyib Nawaz

Labour MEP Afzal Khan

Labour MP Naz Shah

Labour Stroud Vice Chair Tim Lezard

Labour Women's Officer Melanie Melvin

Labour MP Ken Livingstone: "Hitler was supporting Zionism"

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