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Aug 17, 2018, 6 tweets

In the war against terror we know know where Corbyn stands... he stands with Hezbollah #CorbynStandsWithTerrorists

In the war against terror we know know where Corbyn stands... he stands with the PFLP #CorbynStandsWithTerrorists

In the war against terror we know know where Corbyn stands... he stands with Assad #CorbynStandsWithTerrorists

In the war against terror we know know where Corbyn stands... he stands with the IRA #CorbynStandsWithTerrorists

In the war against terror we know know where Corbyn stands... he stands with Hamas #CorbynStandsWithTerrorists

In the war against terror we know know where Corbyn stands... #CorbynStandsWithTerrorists

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