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Aug 20, 2018, 58 tweets

The protest at Silent Sam will begin moments from now. At least five officers are stationed around the monument.

Protesters gathering in front of the Franklin St. post office.

Protesters display massive banners referencing John Brown, the speech from Silent Sam’s unveiling, disdain for white supremacy and more.

A counter-protester speaks to DTH reporter, Charlie McGee.

Protesters begin with a song, led by a former UNC student.

The crowd chants Maya Little‘s name before she speaks about her honor court and criminal charges.

Maya Little: “It’s time to tear down Silent Sam. It’s time to tear down UNC’s institutional white supremacy.”

“From this day on, I intend to wear a noose on my neck when I am at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.”

Photo credit to Chichi Zhu

”This noose is symbolic of a burden. A burden of a history we all share but only some of us are forced to carry. The statue is an ever-present reminder of who this University is truly for...”

“I want to encourage other white people to do anti-racist work. We must make a place in our lives for the struggle. Let’s not be allies and instead be supportive accomplices.”

Maya Little: “At this statue I have felt degraded and I have also been harassed. I have been told that I will be hung from the tree right above Silent Sam.”

At least 20 police officers are surrounding Silent Sam.

Police officers stand in front of John Brown banner.

Protesters chant, “Hey hey, ho Ho, this racist statue’s got to go”

Officers surround the protesters, who have lined banners around Silent Sam.

A protester and counter-protester debate.

Protesters chant: “Cops and Klan go hand in hand.”
Numbers of officers at the monument are nearing 30.

Channel 5 WRAL prepares for a segment at the protest.

Counter-protester stands next to eight police officers.

Police officer discusses the protest with two counter-protesters, the man in the hat and the woman seen above the man’s left shoulder.

“It is your responsibility to do something, whether you think it’s your responsibility or not,” said a protester holding a megaphone.

Protesters link arms around Silent Sam while chanting.

UNC Professor present at protest.

Counter-protesters discuss strategy of protesters surrounding the monument with banners.

“Usually Republicans have a better understanding of what is going on in the world,” said the counter-protester.

Police removes banners surrounding Silent Sam.

Silent Sam is down.

Protesters bury the head in dirt.

The entire body of the monument is on the ground.

The rope used to take down Silent Sam is cut.

Protesters shout, “Next up, Charlottesville.”

Police prepare to set up a boundary.

The empty pedestal.

The back side of the monument, splattered with red paint.

Police surround the pedestal.

Protesters and police remain despite the rain.

Silent Sam has been lifted off of the ground.

Silent Sam is pulled away from the pedestal.

Silent Sam is removed from McCorckle

Silent Sam is being moved into a dump truck.

Straps connecting Silent Sam from the backhoe are removed, and the statue lies face down in the truck.

The doors are closed and Silent Sam is being driven away to an undisclosed location.

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