cybil 🩷 Profile picture
still with you

Aug 26, 2018, 48 tweets

[taekook au]

taehyung hates guk. he hates everything about him, hates that he has to share a dorm with that asshole.

jeongguk hates taehyung too; he really does.

and yet, he tries to scare taehyung every night pretending to be a ghost just so tae would ask to sleep in his bed.

hi !

first of all, thank you for reading and don’t reply to the thread because it could break but please do quote, i love reading your opinions.

this au may be all over the place but i hope you enjoy it!

i love you! 💌

p.s. stream idol for good luck


— the soulmates

— yoongay, jeonggay and hoe suck

— seokjin and namjoon, the mutual friends


( starring:
- kim taehyung as kim taehyung
- jeon jeongguk as jeon jeongguk and a paranormal entity)

— teeny tiny problem

— taehyung is going through it

— the weird roommate gets weirder

— nevermind

— he got him a cake

— tae asks his babydude for help

— don’t scare me like that

— S1ATAN!$@-@$;

— 👀

— truth hurts

— moving day

— taehyung is about to cleanse his spirit

— h-here it comes

— well .

— why

— new roommates

— dua lipa noona

— tag urself

— hoseok asks for tea and predicts something on the way

— a mess

— day one

— protein shakes and toothpaste

— jeon hate club

— xd rawr

— mister google

— uh, yes? (no.)

— self - care

— going ✈️ exorcist

— choose your fighter

— you’re either hoseok or yoongi, there is no in between

— taehyung is still scared

— no one is helping

— here goes nothing

— help (pt.1)

— help (pt. 2)

— help (pt. 3)
not a liar

— jeongguk’s heart did a thing

— jeongguk is dying :(

— paramedics

— /sigh/

— the next morning and someone’s not happy

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