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bangtan multiple ships enthusiast, but taejin is THE ship \ au writer @btshipsfilms is my edit acc and converselow is my ao3 username

Sep 29, 2018, 112 tweets

ㅡ taejin au

in which taehyung is a rebel student who could care less about his academics until he encountered the president of biology club, seokjin, who turned out to be the singer he hooks up with at the bar although sadly, mr president doesnt seem to even notice him.

- so im going to start this but then again since it's my first social media au please forgive some mistakes
- also this au will contain side sope with jikook

1 / taehyung's whipped ass and jungkook's nerdy past

2 / taehyung's a man

3 / history of biology club

4 / seokjin's nastea-ness

i forgot to crop off the screenshots hedbjsjsjs please ignore it

gdi i didnt notice that extra hyung at the beginning shdjsjjs forgive me im just getting a hang of that app

5 / hankook uni orientation: day 1

6 / update numero uno

7 / taehyung's extra whipped ass

8 / better than nothing

9 / best child award

10 / poor jack

11 / biology club group chat

12 / club's grand meeting

13 / that guy from registration day

14 / finding mr peach

15 / trust issues

16 / the heart wants what it wants

17 / finally found you

18 / secretary kim

btw the timestamps are irrelevant in this story. also i get lazy to edit the number of rts and likes so there you go.

19 / best homie ever

20 / jungkook's dark past

21 / right?

22 / date night + jungkook suffering

23 / the right order

24 / acting cool 101 by kim taehyung

25 / seokjin's vague tweet for both situation

26 / what you give you get back

27 / your happiness is my suffering

28 / vice hyung

29 / that 🐍🐍

30 / meanwhile, prez and vice

31 / tw: jimin's toxic past relationship

32 / i dont do love

33 / and we thought he dont do love

34 / i like you too

just to clear it up though. they're not yet following each other. tae's mutual is jungkook and jin's mutual are yoongi, hoseok and jimin

35 / im happy if you are happy

36 / taehyung's karma

37 / seokjin's hidden card

38 / the longest text ever

39 / entertain me

40 / bread mold's scientific name

41 / legendary pick up line

42 / battle of the nerds

43 / outnerding a nerd

44 / goodnight people

45 / biology club first task

46 / that guy and that girl

47 / spill, vice

48 / meet kang yena and kim namjoon

49 / you liar

50 / mr peach's slip tongue

51 / water's boiling

52 / which "it"?

53 / damage control squad

54 / screw you too

55 / leap of faith

56 / leap of faith pt 2

57 / declaration for a dumbo

58 / okay but um...

59 / you're doing good sweetie

60 / gotta reap what you sow

61 / save me

62 / just a sunbae

63 / mellow kook

64 / the things i do for you

65 / bothering the prez

66 / highest building in the country

67 / literally wtf, kang?

68 / im jungmi

i forgot to put tw btw. and the story will involve a lot more of toxic relationship and manipulation. if you're not comfy with that, please dont read

69 / moth and the lamp

70 / you dont have friends

71 / you dont deserve me

72 / im sorry what?

73 / it's my cat

74 / last favor

75 / pretty girls means trouble

76 / the real you

77 / come with me

78 / a bad feeling

79 / the meeting

80 / the meeting pt 2

81 / the meeting pt 3

82 / the meeting pt 4

83 / please wake up

84 / did you know?

85 / who are you worrying about

86 / you go vice!

87 / that shit hurted

88 / about time

89 / so...

90 / god tier bullshit

91 / lucky guy

92 / is it possible?

93 / getting tired

94 / soon enough

95 / my first love

96 / hacker hoseok

97 / big bang theory ft blackholes

98 / this 🐊🐊

99 / deep deep 💩

100 / you did not

101 / walk my goldfish

102 / whaaat

103 / first love and all that shit 🤟🏻

104 / he just wants you

105 / morning text

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