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Oct 5, 2018, 22 tweets

I'm about to drop a long and detailed thread right now about my theory on this whole Bill Cosby situation. I'm going to touch on many things that are never discussed publicly. So grab pens and paper and get your google pages ready, because I'm going to go deep. Y'all ready?

1. Lets go back to the early/mid nineties. Now I know people have heard the "Bill was targeted because he was gonna buy NBC", theory, and there is validity to that, but its actually much deeper. During that time, MANY Black entertainers were targeted for extortion

2. If you remember, Black entertainers like Eazy E and Tupac and others were targeted by white supremacist groups (and these groups had international connections) for extortion. These Black entertainers had very credible threats on their lives. Even Tupac's FBI file stated this

3. So its documented that white supremacist groups-some with Russian connections-were actively targeting Black entertainers for extortion. And thats the basis of the Bill Cosby targeting. This has been a decades old white supremacist extortion racket against Bill Cosby

4. Remember when Bill Cosby's son Ennis was murdered? They tried to pass it off as a random car jacking that happened on the freeway. First of all, PEOPLE DON'T JACK CARS FROM A DAMN FREEWAY. Second, when Ennis was killed, the car, his money and his Rolex watch was with him

5. Who does a deadly "carjacking", but leaves the car? That makes no sense because it wasn't a random car jacking. It was a targeted hit, carried out by a Ukranian white supremacist named Mikhail Markhasev who had ties to the Russian Mafia.

6. Early on the media was ADMITTING that Markhasev had ties to the Russian mafia. Then the media started backpedaling from that narrative. Most media outlets have scrubbed their archives of any mention of that Russian mafia connection. U will find some mentions of it here & there

7. The white supremacist Markhasev bragged about the murder saying "he killed the ni**er". Also, he had a lengthy record of assaulting Black people.. So his white supremacist views were really downplayed in the media. This will come up again later

8. Now the day Ennis Cosby was murdered, Bill Cosby received a fax from a woman named Autumn Jackson (remember her) and two other men, trying to extort money from Bill. Two days later, Jackson was arrested. They were plotting to extort $40 million from Bill

9. Autumn Jackson was going to extort Bill or go public saying that she was his daughter. One of her co-defendants has a man named Boris Shmulevich- a Russian underworld figure. So the day Bill's son gets killed by a Russian killer, another Russian is in on an extortion plot

10. Lets fast forward for a quick second. Autumn Jackson ended up going to prison for extorting Cosby. Autumn's mother-Shawn Brown- is one of the "60 Cosby accusers" that the media used to lock Cosby up now. The media never mentions this fact

11. In 1998 Camille Cosby wrote an op-ed for USA today, GOING ALL THE WAY IN on systematic white supremacy. She was calling out the racist motives of her son's murder, and she was calling out America for teaching racism to the immigrant. She also called out the media as well

12. After Mrs. Cosby tore into the media and put systematic racism on blast, the white media DID NOT LIKE THAT at ALL. Many media outlets started to lash out against Mrs. Cosby. Remember, the white supremacists were still mad about the OJ verdict around this time

13. Speaking of OJ, many of the white feminist leaders were mad that Mrs. Cosby was calling out racism, and they were lashing out at her and Bill saying Bill was a "friend of OJ".. So now they are planting the seeds of revenge against a Black celeb

14. Ok lets continue with this Cosby thread. Now lets fast forward to 2014. This is when the accusations against Cosby began to go viral. Why 2014? At this time, people were propped up to make decades old accusations, seemingly out of nowhere. They tried to blame Hannibal Buress

15. The media used the Hannibal Buress narrative so that it would not look like the racial witch hunt that is was. The "Hannibal" comedy set happened in October 2014. But the media was already planning to make this scandal go viral earlier that year in February.

16. In early Feb. 2014, Woody Allens daughter wrote an open letter detailing his sexual abuse against her. And a few days later, one publication put out an article to deflect away from the Woody Allen scandal. It was like "hey, do you all remember the Black guy was accused too"

17. All of these sexual abuse accusation articles about Cosby were also published in Feb. 2014. This is 8 months before the Hannibal Buress routine. So they we already planning and setting up the scandal. One reason was because they were trying to take the heat off white actors

18. Also in 2014, the word around Hollywood was there was a film being made called "An Open Secret". This film was exposing sex abuse and pedophilia in Hollywood. And it was going to put a lot of white producers,actors,and execs on blast. So they REALLY needed a deflection

19. The movie An Open Secret was slated to be released in November 2014. And the media made the Cosby scandal go viral literally a few weeks before in October 2014. So Hollywood tried to bury that film. But they made the Cosby scandal go viral everywhere as a deflection

20. Also in March 2014, The Kinder Morgan Gas Company wanted to run a pipeline through one of Bill Cosby's properties in Massachusetts. The Cosbys were adamantly against this, and Mrs Cosby wrote this article in the local paper speaking out about it massplan.org/wordpress/wp-c…

21. So once the Cosby's became too "uppity" and started standing up against this big gas company-interfering with BILLIONS of dollars- the powers that be, REALLY had to teach the Cosbys a lessons. So you mix all these things together, & we see why they wanted to bring Cosby down

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