Brent Ward Profile picture
SFU Earth Sciences, Quaternary Geologist, Cordilleran Ice Sheet, purveyor of Natural Hazards, Long suffering Canucks fan, loves woolly mammoths (he, him, his)

Oct 27, 2018, 5 tweets

Wednesday Dr. Gio Roberti made his supervisors proud by defending his thesis in Clermont-Ferrand. Gio did a cotutelle between SFU and Univeristé Clermont Auvergne with Benjamin van Wyk de Vries and me (Brent Ward) as supervisors. #SFUNaturalHazards

His thesis was on the landslide hazard at Mt. Meager, a volcano north of Pemberton. The examining committee was impressed and the thesis was accepted as is, no revisions. Left to right Marta Chiarle, Susan Conway, Ben, Gio, me, Marco Giordino. /2 #SFUNaturalHazards

After, the other graduate students put on a slide show/skit/roast that highlighted Gio’s affect on the department. “Did you know there are volcanoes in Canada?” It was excellent, and only slightly embarrassing to Gio./3 #SFUNaturalHazards

One of my favorite parts was the mock up of Mt. Meager feeling “sick and having a landslide./4 #SFUNaturalHazards

Congratulations Gio! Well deserved

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