Michael Kober Profile picture

Oct 29, 2018, 14 tweets

@BleacherReport An in depth analysis of how this proposal is arguably the greatest documented Twitter proposal: a thread

@BleacherReport The obvious storylines have here is how this dude turned this decent proposal into one for the ages. But how did we get here is the real question

@BleacherReport This is our opening scene, and it does not disappoint. The now bride-to-be thinks this is still a kiss cam and doesn’t want any part of it (hand over her face). Prince Charming on the other hand is thinking of 573 ways this moment could be screwed up in front of 20k people.

@BleacherReport Now this is the moment where this girl goes from “oh Lord please don’t show us on kiss cam” to realizing this dude had the cashews to propose in front of 20k people. She’s probably thought of this moment a thousand times but no way she thought it would be this great

@BleacherReport Let’s examine the reactions of our closest bystanders. These randos are the picture perfect reactions we all have to proposals. You either care too much or not enough. Peep the chicks: in shock this is happening a row below them. My personal favorite is the old guy w/ the slushy.

@BleacherReport But wait a second! Where’s our main character? Oh there he is at the edge of the frame. But peep his eyes. He knows this a great moment but he’s too far away to enjoy it like it should be enjoyed. He’s now resolved that he’s got to get closer. For his sake AND the proposal’s.

@BleacherReport But you ever tried to walk down an area row when everyone sitting down? I swear it’s the most awkward thing. But just like Moses this dude finds a way to part the sea as his neighbors stand up to celebrate this magical moment. Don’t overlook that knee grab technique either 10/10

@BleacherReport And now we here folks. The overused sports engagements brought to life by the reaction of one man. Some would call him a superhero, we just call him amazing. Give this dude a trophy and a front row seat to this wedding. Someone @ this legend for me🙏🏼

@BleacherReport But don’t be deceived... this reaction isn’t solely for the newly engaged couple. This dude gotta 👀 the jumbo to see if he’s in perfect position in this shot. That’s right kids, sometimes it pays to be a little selfish. But this guy don’t care he’s living his best life tonight

@BleacherReport ADDENDUM: the knee grab technique is fake news. Phone in the hand blending in with the jeans. The arm strength is still middle linebacker caliber tho
Also, upon further research the Jumbotron says “Panda, will you marry me? Keith” and I gotta say I do not approve of that name

@BleacherReport We have located the legend @1wMillz now all we need is to find the newly engaged couple

@BleacherReport 🚨ADDENDUM NUMBER 2🚨

We have located Panda and YES THATS HER REAL NAME. I just thought it was a silly couple name or whatever this story goes deeper than we all thought

@BleacherReport Also need you people to @ the bystanders. We need different angles, live reactions, and you better believe we need old slurpy guy in this place

@BleacherReport Ay is this where I plug my soundcloud link lol

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