디수 pls | yoonkook au 📍 Profile picture
@disequil’s acct for many dumb txt aus | i have no clue what im doing | current au : super slow burn #yoonkook au | status: SUPER SLOW RN

Oct 30, 2018, 111 tweets

;; 《 bon voyage 》

yoonkook au

• Yoongi is a rising producer & rapper who watches way too many wanderlust travel logs made by Jungkook, a popular youtuber videographer & world traveler who has a lowkey obsession over the rapper agustD •

;; bios : 1/7 - JEON JUNGKOOK

videographer, GCF, PC gamer, coffee addict; has IG for the aesthetic pics & twitter for the shitposts, used to be primarily an Overwatch account before he got into videomaking (he still plays though)

;; bios : 2/7 - MIN YOONGI

up-and-coming producer/rapper under the name agustD, known for his raw unapologetic lyrics, very careful of his social media (his face is a mystery); has a priv twt account only close friends know about where he complains a lot

;; bios 3-5/7 - HYUNG LINE

Make your assumptions 1/2

;; bios 6-7/7 - MAKNAE LINE

Make your assumptions 2/2

[ .o1 ]

Houston, we have a problem.

[ .o2 ]

Jungkook is panicking

[ .o3 ]

Yoongi is not amused

[ .o4 ]

Jin & 3 Potatoes

[ .o5 ]

Trash bag fashion

[ .o6 ]

Jungkook is panicking 2.0

[ .o7 ]

Noraebang night

[ .o8 ]

Back to normality

[ .o9 ]

Bronze II & distractions

[ .1o ]

JK hasn’t lost his touch on Widowmaker

[ .11 ]

Yoongi finally gets to go home

[ .12 ]

A successful night at the PC bang

[ .13 ]

The invitation & Kim Taehyung is a social butterfly

[ .14 ]

The duality of Min Yoongi

[ .15 ]

Kook is very excited

[ .16 ]

The great meme war of 2018

A truce was formed after 30 minutes and all photos were deleted, but stan twitter was quick to save everything. It was only after, that maknae line realized that they had played themselves in the end

[ .17 ]

Dance workshop with a surprise

[ .18 ]

A discovery

[ .19 ]

New friends

[ .2o ]

Pre-dance workshop tweet from Hobi

Jimin catches Tae up to speed

[ .21 ]

Jimin talks to Kook

[ .22 ]

Dance workshop = Success

[ .23 ]

Sad panini

[ .24 ]

Twitter updates

[ .25 ]

Triple Jinx

[ .26 ]

agust D finally posts

[ .27 ]

Before & after agust D posts

[ .28 ]

Exhibition Day

[ .29 ]

Estimated time of arrivals for Jin & 3 Potatoes

[ .3o ]

Jimin & Tae are prophets

[ .31 ]

Tweet & yeet

Pick one:

[ .32 ]

Yoongi 1/2

[ .33 ]

Yoongi 2/2

[ .34 ]

The Exhibition 1/2

[ .35 ]

The Exhibition 2/2

[ .36 ]

No damage control needed

[ .37 ]


[ .38 ]


[ .39 ]

Agust D : Track 1 - INTRO drops

[ .4o ]

Get that bread

[ .41 ]


[ .42 ]

Fried chicken

(Because technically, to Jin, he isn’t “calling” Holly ’fried chicken’ if he’s using pictures & emojis)

[ .43 ]

Dance Workshop # 2

[ .44 ]

Yoongi is a busy man

[ .45 ]

Coffee & catching up

[ .46 ]

SNS updates

[ .47 ]

Prelude to the dance workshop

[ .48 ]

Hobi has made an interesting discovery

[ .49 ]

Keep it short

Spoiler alert: It was not

[ .50 ]

Jungkook is GCF

[ .51 ]

Twitter updates

[ .52 ]


[ .53 ]


[ .54 ]


[ .55 ]

Flights out of Seoul

[ .56 ]

12 HST drop

[ .57 ]


[ .58 ]

Yoongi is a fashion disaster while memelord Kook makes a return

[ .59 ]


[ .6o ]

Not wrong

[ .61 ]

Google translate

The man at the bar with the bucket hat on is still in the back of Jungkook mind as he is still 50:50 about approaching him; because of what Tae said and he would rather not embarrass himself in front of a stranger, but nonetheless he is curious if it is Yoongi or not. He should:

[ .62 ]

Yoongi is panicking

[ .63 ]

Yoongi (1/2)

[ .64 ]

Jungkook (1/1)

[ .65 ]

Yoongi (2/2)

[ .66 ]


[ .67 ]

Ass o’clock

aka early morning fight to Maui for JK

[ .68 ]

Hobi checks in with Yoongi

[ .69 ]

Room Number 311 & 312

[ .70 ]

Yoongi is panicking 2.0

[ .71 ]

“Alcohol helps” - encouraging words from Jung Hoseok

[ .72 ]

Unsent text messages ft. Yoongi

[ .73 ]

Meet you in 5

[ .74 ]

Counting down seconds

[ .75 ]

Agust D right?

[ .76 ]

New Friend

[ .77 ]

Hobi follows up with Yoongi as does a certain bunny emoji user

[ .78 ]

Yoongi gets a lot of texts

[ .79 ]

Namjoon offers his thoughts

[ .80 ]

Plans for the next day

[ 81. ]


[ .82 ]

Hobi consults Namjoon

[ .83 ]

Hobi does some ‘digging’

[ .84 ]

Hobi and Namjoon discuss the new turn of events

[ .85 ]

Yoongi checks up on Holly through his pet sitter,🥚누나

(Can you guess who she is?)

[ .86 ]

Several days pass

[ .87 ]

Kook realizes something

[ .88 ]

Jimin and Tae check up on Jungkook

[ .89 ]

Seoul Sentinels twitter update

[ .9o ]

Trouble in Paradise (pt. 1)

[ .91 ]

Trouble in Paradise (pt. 2)

Namjoon texts Jin

[ .92 ]

Yoongi gets a lot of texts

[ .93 ]

Namjoon updates Hobi (1/2)

[ .94 ]

Updates cont. (2/2)

[ .95 ]

Taehyung texts Yoongi

[ .96 ]

Hobi texts Jungkook

[ .97 ]

Follow up texts

[ .98 ]


[ .99 ]

Give it to Me.mp3

[ .1oo ]

A ‘distraction’

[ .1o1 ]

Last Day

Which location should Jungkook take Yoongi for his last day?

Waterfall: Secluded in the mountains, not that many people, a bit hard to get to & requires a bit of a hike

Beach: Convenient location & easily accessible, more people, there is a boat to take out into the waters

[ .1o2 ]

Yoongi is ... very out of shape to say the least

[ .1o3 ]

Very out of shape

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