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Oct 30, 2018, 137 tweets

۵ jikook abo nsfw au ↴

Jimin's on the train from Busan to Seoul a stormy winter night. The train rocks on the track, and it has Jimin stumble into the lap of an alpha with an addicting scent. Four days later, 6 million ppl has seen the story time video on yt ─ including Jimin

In collaboration with my bun @mochumelon


1 • jikook abo au

updates on the train

2 • jikook abo au

going to Tae's

3 • jikook abo au

hope is a beta

4 • jikook abo au

falling onto you

4.2 • jikook abo au

helping the trouble

5 • jikook abo au

getting off the train

6 • jikook abo au

shouldn't tell hobi :>

7 • jikook abo au

get it off his chest

8 • jikook abo au

vmin's night

9 • jikook abo au


10 • jikook abo au


11 • jikook abo au

mission get over tae

12 • jikook abo au

night from vmin

13 • jikook abo au

aaand morning

14 • jikook abo au

tae follows Hobi's twt

15 • jikook abo au

how to fix it

16 • jikook abo au

jihope's day

17 • jikook abo au

vmin soft hours

18 • jikook abo au


19 • jikook abo au


19.2 • jikook abo au


20 • jikook abo au

fan reactions feat jin

21 • jikook abo au


22 • jikook abo au

quite obvious

I can't believe there are so many readers,, I hope you like the au─it's my first time. I've got a fully written out jikook fic though so I'm not new to that. :>

Anyway, I'm updating ♡ ↴

23 • jikook abo au

they're back

24 • jikook abo au

jimin needs a few minutes

25 • jikook abo au

Tae responds

26 • jikook abo au

kook realises

27 • jikook abo au

everything happens at once

28 • jikook abo au


29 • jikook abo au

no beep

30 • jikook abo au

biG fan

31 • jikook abo au

meanwhile; publicly?

32 • jikook abo au


33 • jikook abo au

he's a fan

hi readers :> I guess you've already noticed, but I like surprises in my writing. I hadn't told you if there would be any other ship, who knew who, or what everyone does for a living. Also worth mentioning; I'm all about making it realistic. The characters don't all know each +

+ other, so they will act like strangers would. That being said, I think you can guess that jikook won't get together right away.

As for sope and vhope, it's gonna have to be a surprise as well. It'll depend on what happens next, if they stay friends or not.

Ty for the love ♡

34 • jikook abo au


35 • jikook abo au

make it up to him

35.2 • jikook abo au


36 • jikook abo au

night then..

37 • jikook abo au

...beep Q

38 • jikook abo au


39 • jikook abo au


40 • jikook abo au

tell jimin

41 • jikook abo au

yoon knows him

39-41 were the texts from the night before Tae answers the questions, just to make it clear :>

GUYS: it's the wrong quoted Q I'm sorry :< Here's the correct version ↴

GUYS there's a wrongly quoted Q,, I'm sorry :<
here's the correct version ↴

42 • jikook abo au

morning jikookers

43 • jikook abo au

midnight ideas

44 • jikook abo au


45 • jikook abo au

46 • jikook abo au


47 • jikook abo au


48 • jikook abo au

a break

49 • jikook abo au


50 • jikook abo au


51 • jikook abo au


52 • jikook abo au


53 • jikook abo au


thank you all so much for 300 ♡ on the description! I'd written nsfw on there & I'm still unsure how much of that there'll be, but I'll warn you if there's pics or written filth so :>

perhaps I should do polls.. would anyone vote?

this is a mood for this whole au isn't it :,)
not @ how 1:23 - 1:36 is jm @ jk but.. it kinda is though scsjsj


54 • jikook abo au

sope's date

55 • jikook abo au

pup :(

56 • jikook abo au


57 • jikook abo au


57.2 • jikook abo au


58 • jikook abo au


59 • jikook abo au

first try

60 • jikook abo au

café update

61 • jikook abo au


62 • jikook abo au

silence is over

63 • jikook abo au

help min :(

64 • jikook abo au

3h later

64.2 • jikook abo au


65 • jikook abo au


65.2 • jikook abo au

trade favours

66 • jikook abo au

min baby

67 • jikook abo au


67.2 • jikook abo au

spilling 🍵 & secret

67.3 • jikook abo au


hi ♡ i'm sorry for the long wait, but studying is a priority this and last week. for anyone who's afraid this au will just die, don't be :> it'll be finished. i already have ton of ideas for it that need to happen :3

so update, happy reading ♡ ↴

68 • jikook abo au

trade it

68.2 • jikook abo au

the important person

68.3 • jikook abo au

jimin is bold

69 • jikook abo au

fan tweeted it

69.2 • jikook abo au

wise man tae

70 • jikook abo au

new vid @ 11

71 • jikook abo au

bad editing?

in await of the next update, please enjoy these texts between namjoon and hoseok, feat jimin ♡

72 • jikook abo au

not planned

73 • jikook abo au

look it up

74 • jikook abo au


75 • jikook abo au

@ the mall

76 • jikook abo au

back together

77 • jikook abo au

👌🏼 embarrassed

78 • jikook abo au

bold in ********

it's not much but pls my school work is a priority :( i hope you likey the update though ♡

so i wanted your opinion for these written jikook and sope scenes, and yeah you're getting an update soon again :> sorry for the wait ♡

and for the written sope scene i was thinking of 👉🏼👈🏼

hi ♡ i'm so busy with school, i'll have to go on a hiatus after this update, until after christmas. but i'm hoping you'll come back to read then, and that you'll enjoy this last update before that! i purple you 💜 ↴

79 • jikook abo au

🗝word; try

80 • jikook abo au

where's the confidence?

81 • jikook abo au

left alone :(

82 • jikook abo au

on time :>

83 • jikook abo au


i think this went overboard but öh here's the update you've been waiting for. see y'all on the other side if you survive xoxo

84 • jikook abo au

get playful

85 • jikook abo au

f ck

85.2 • jikook abo au

what are we?

85.3 • jikook abo au

control yourself

to all the lost readers; this is mark :>

if you wanna watch the scene;

86 • jikook abo au

i'm sorry what?

87 • jikook abo au

hold me

88 • jikook abo au


88.2 • jikook abo au


88.3 • jikook abo au


89 • jikook abo au

jimin on the channel

see y'all next time, warning for explicit nsfw scenes soon. here are a few visuals that i couldn't cram in :>

90 • jikook abo au

yoongi snaps

91 • jikook abo au

sunday = let loose

92 • jikook abo au

Monday Morning ◞ ̑̑ೃ࿔ Melanie Fiona

93 • jikook abo au


93.2 • jikook abo au

distracting pup

93.3 • jikook abo au

it wants to rip itself out

94 • jikook abo au


i'm sorry for the short update, when you've been waiting for so long :( i'll be updating more in a few days though! thank you so much for staying with me ♡♡ i'm not used to people caring for when i update :>

listen,, someone needs to scream at me to finish things i start before beginning with new ones ˏ₍•ɞ•₎ˎ

no-one seems to have noticed, but 93.2 was missing VERY important picture. so here it is, with the picture before and after it so you'll get a sense of what happened <3

you guys are screaming at me now so i'm trying to write on the train to work :,) for those of you that would like, there's now an (in progress) written out version of this au on my ao3 ♡ i'll prioritise new updates here now though!


i didn't come very far with this and ended up simply not posting the last tweets i had. instead i've decided to continue only on ao3. i'm really sorry if anyone's disappointed! but i'm continuing the story, and will post a 8k word chapter today. thank you for all the support <3

here's the link to my profile, the fic is named plum blossom <3


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