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Nov 4, 2018, 16 tweets

Leanne Watt And Richard Painter Identify GOP Members Of Congress Likely Compromised By The Russians
“Hidden Motives behind Key GOP Leaders’ Cooperation with Trump & Russia: An Evidence-bas…” by @leannewattphd

2) With overwhelming evidence of increasing irrationality &tyrannical motivations of Trump, Republican Congress remains frozen.
The most logical explanation is compromise of GOP leaders producing leverage for Russians to keep them quietly supportive of impeachable behavior.

“We begin our exploration by looking at the irrational behavior exhibited by House Intelligence Committee (HIC) Chairmen, Devin Nunes...Rep. Eric Swalwell asserts that Nunes has been compromised by the White House...”

“Nunes “buried key evidence on Russian meddling to protect Trump.” There is no logical reason for Nunes to go so far in trying to obstruct the Russian investigation unless he has something personal at stake.

5) Lindsey Graham
“We know that Senator Graham’s emails were stolen by the Russians, based upon his own admission in a December of 2016 interview. No public display of Graham’s emails exists, so it is reasonable to consider the possibility that his emails are still in play...”

6) Lindsey Graham
“..according to Authoritarian scholar, Sarah Kendzior..”there’s a pretty good chance that either voluntarily or involuntarily Senator Graham has gotten mixed up in the situation and cannot be an objective observer”

7) Lindsey Graham
“..when it comes to discussing Trump &his relationship to Russia.We contend that it’s possible that the senator’s uncharacteristic twin-ship w/the president could be rooted in fear or some other,non-policy motivation,rather than an organic or principled shift.”

8) Ryan, McCarthy, Scalise
“At the very least, the GOP leaders in the House — Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, and Steve Scalise — were enabling Putin’s meddling and Trump’s behavior of accepting money from a hostile foreign power.”

9) Ryan, McCarthy, Scalise
“Surely these Congressmen would have been heroes in the GOP...Was their silence simply the product of their desire to win at any cost in order to advance Republican policy goals? Or was their secrecy tied to other motivations?”

10) McConnell
Does McConnell doubt the investigation and intelligence community’s findings? Does he not care about protecting the United States from potential enemy attacks if the attacks help the Republicans? Or is he resistant to the special counsel for his own private reasons?

11) McConnell
“Experts maintain that Putin funneled millions of dollars through his oligarchs into the Republican Party during the 2015–2016 election cycle, according to Ruth May, a Russian economy expert and professor at the University of Dallas.”

12) McConnell
“May reports that between 2015 and 2017, McConnell’s super-PAC received a total of $3.5 million dollars from Len Blavatnik, a Russian-American oligarch with close ties to Putin and the Kremlin.”

13) NRA
GOP leaders vulnerable to the lure of Russian money grows exponentially when we look at the party’s most dominant single-issue lobbyist group — the NRA — and its suspicious ties to the Kremlin..the “NRA is getting subverted as a Russian asset.”

14) NRA Russia
“..Rep. Adam Schiff told Goldberg that the HIC’s abrupt closing of their Russia investigation and refusal to interview Marina Butina, Torshin’s arrested partner, is because they “didn’t want to know””

15) Russia Bought The GOP
“Although financial ties to the Kremlin appear to be a strong incentive for cooperation, the Congress member’s conduct appears to be motivated by more than just money. Clearly, these powerful GOP leaders do not want to know about Russia’s interference..”

16) Russia Bought The GOP
“it has been established by the FBI that the Russians successfully hacked the RNC’s emails..In fact, it appears that the Russians now possess approximately ten years’ worth of GOP emails, through 2015..”

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