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Nov 9, 2018, 8 tweets

Welcome to the OREGON ACP 2018 ORAL PRESENTATIONS competition!!! Stay tuned for on-the-ground updates, featuring our MC Missy LeBlanc!

First up, Dr Giblin presenting “A River Runs Through It”

Next up, Dr. Elizabeth Hutchinson with “A Total Eclipse”

Followed by Dr. Logan Jones and his talk, “This Case Is Nuts!!”

#ACPOR18 awesome clinical reasoning! @rloganjonesmd it really was secondary not primary hyperoxaluria

Next we have Dr. Moffit presenting a diagnosis that will take your breath away!

And Dr. Delamarter with “To B or not to Be”

Finally, our last presenter of the evening, Dr. Joel Burnett with “An Unnerving Situation” based on a famous story by Lewis Carroll... @doctorterndrup

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