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Nov 30, 2018, 18 tweets

[taegi au]

~where rumors start to surface after Taehyung is seen wearing a custom made t-shirt that only rapper! Yoongi owns. little does anyone know, Taehyung found the shirt in a dressing room and decided to keep it.
#TaegiWeek18 #TG18DAY2

Taehyung and Yoongi profiles
•both risings stars
•have never met or even know each other exist

Taehyung’s best friends
Jimin and Jungkook
•ordinary people but still known among Tae’s fan base

Yoongi’s main supporters
Hoseok and Namjoon

Korea’s Top Model Kim Seokjin ✨





Festival pt2

hi, please ignore any mistakes. My phone autocorrects things when it’s not suppose to so yea 🤗

Festival day


after rehearsals

Taehyung explains

Yoongi tells

just like that

discontinued-I just can’t find time

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