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Interesting retweets, comedy, films, TV, high-culture and low-life, US/UK politics/history 👌🇺🇸🇬🇧🇮🇱 #MOT Don’t let your memes remain dreams #MBGA #MAGA

Dec 11, 2018, 8 tweets

Could this possibly be genuine? She looks too much like her and I doubt he is that toned #Pizzagate #Smocking

Oh? #Smocking

It’s a ‘thing’ apparently in ,,, shall we say ‘bohemian circles’

#Pizzagate #Smocking #SmockingGun #Podesta #Skippy #WWG1WGA #UraniumOne #TheGreatAwakening #ComeyLies #FakeDossier #Treason #SpiritCooking #CometPingPong #LockThemAllUp #ObamaSpied #FISAbuse #FISAGate #QAnon #Treason #Guantanamo

The grotesque ‘art’ of Kim Noble - note the painted bodies and what they are doing to little bodies - a favourite artist of the Podestas and James A owner of C*m*t Ping P*ng #Pizzagate #Smocking #SmockingGun #Podesta #Skippy #WWG1WGA #SpiritCooking #CometPingPong

What sort of psychological walking horror-story pays out massive money to collect this demonic pedo art? Where is Tony Podesta? Why has JP finally given an extensive interview to RS about PizzaGate? #Pizzagate #Smocking #SmockingGun #Podesta #Skippy #WWG1WGA #CometPingPong

I think there’s something in this #Smocking thing I really do. Do you really think a billionaire President tweets out a spelling mistake TWICE in same tweet to the world/ 52m followers? It’s deliberate #Pizzagate #Smocking #SmockingGun #Podesta #Skippy #WWG1WGA #CometPingPong

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