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Dec 12, 2018, 5 tweets

Closing panel of the conference! Gracie Bradley, Policy and Campaigns manager @libertyhq, Gerrianne Smits, Advocacy Officer @doktersvdwereld, Jennie Corbett and Ella Johnson UK Policy and Advocacy Officers @DOTW_UK #EUAidVolunteers #LondonUHC2018

Gracie Bradley, Policy and Campaigns Manager at @libertyhq in the final panel for this conference #EUAidVolunteers #LondonUHC2018 #UHCDay2018

Gerrianne Smits, Advocacy Officers @doktersvdwereld in the final panel #EUAidVolunteers #LondonUHC2018 #UHCDay2018

Ella Johnson, UK Policy and Advocacy Officer @DOTW_UK in the final panel #EUAidVolunteers #LondonUHC2018 #UHCDay2018

Thank you to all our speakers today, it has been a packed day full of fascinating talks and workshops discussing firewalling, immigration enforcement, healthcare rights and more. #EUAidVolunteers #LondonUHC2018

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