Benjamin Strick Profile picture
Investigations Director @Cen4infoRes. Past BBC & @Bellingcat. Tutorials: OSINT/GEOINT.

Jan 15, 2019, 7 tweets

Footage from Bulawayo today as Zimbabwe protestors take to City Hall. Police have used tear gas to disperse. Video geolocated to corner of 8th Ave & George Silundika St (…) H/T to @kgosinyathi for video #Zimbabwe #ZimbabweShutDown

Footage of standoff between riot police & protestors in #Bulawayo's Nkulumane area near Sekusile Shopping Centre - image geolocated: (…). Note: large green building and roof in background is "Choppie's Supermarket". h/t to @moyo_herbert for video. #Zimbabwe

This vehicle, hit by collateral tear gas round, was filmed out the front of #Bulawayo Centre (…) in #Zimbabwe after the area saw mass demonstrations. It will be a nasty surprise for its owner when they find it. h/t to @kgosinyathi for video #Zimshutdown

Footage of alleged tear gas round in car geolocated to #Bulawayo Centre (…) in Bulawayo, #Zimbabwe. Demonstration clash with police earlier in area.

Large demonstrations from 14/1 also in #Bulawayo's built-up area at intersection of Fort St & Leopold Takawira Ave (…). h/t @DougColtart for video. #Zimshutdown #Zimbabweans

Zimbabwe has been cut off from the internet since 0700 UTC with #Bulawayo "largely offline" and Harare almost all out. Fingers crossed for the safety of so many. @netblocks #Zimbabwe #ZimbabweShutDown…

Some of the last remaining pockets of available internet connection in #Zimbabwe are now offline. A connection allows monitors, activists and digital journalists to keep an eye on what is happening to people on the ground. #KeepItOnZW - h/t @netblocks for this amazing service.

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