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Jan 24, 2019, 14 tweets

Loona Theory: Does Hyunjin Die In Around You?

Trigger Warning: Suicide

#LOONAtheories @loonatheworld #hyunjin #Hyunjintheory

Well I just did a theory on Hyunjin, but wow going over all of her content I had a really wild thought of the meaning of the Around You music video. I started to analyze other meanings for the things we see and what I came up with may be shocking, but it is an interesting take.

Hyunjin seems sad for almost her entire music video. We see her going through her day with no hope or happiness. She seems to be breaking down.

We have always looked at them as letters, but I started to think what if this is a suicide note? I know this sounds dark but when I viewed the video with this in mind, it seemed to fit very well. We also see Hyunjin going to the bridge a lot. She has her letters with her.

When I was researching symbolism for bridges, a lot of what I found had to do with suicide, since so many people choose to end their lives this way. A sad lonely girl walking to a bridge everyday with letters does seem like a possible sign for this. But there is a catch.

Cats have 9 lives. If you look at the final shot of Around You short version, we see Hyunjin smiling with 7 cats behind her. Many have speculated on what this represents, but if we add Hyunjin to the others it makes 8. She is missing one life.

From the point we see her after she breaks down on the stairs and finds the cat, we only really see her with a cat head for the most part.

The shots at the end of Around You long version are also interesting, as we see Hyunjin up High looking down on the world, almost as if she is in Eden. From Cinema Theory there was an alternate ending which showed Hyunjin up on a roof with a structure that looks similar to Yves’

She also has 4 cats with her. It could represent the 4 girls in Eden. We’ve seen other members awaken through their death, Haseul shoots herself and Chuu freezes to death in the snow. I’m wondering if Around You could be hinting at Hyunjin possibly wanting to end her life.

I’m wondering if the yellow sweater scene actually happens in a different timeline, where GoWon was able to stop her by sending the bracelet. Which is why we have Hyunjin still in the real world. But what’s interesting is that Heejin meets the cat, not Hyunjin as herself

GoWon is the member that represents Hope so I am hoping that this could be the case. I still think it’s possible that Hyunjin did lose a life somewhere in there though. Luckily if so she still has 8 to go. Another possible clue was from Loona 1/3 teasers the second box is flipped

Maybe this represents that Hyunjin has been to flip side of the mobius by ending her life and going to heaven. We do see a black cat in Eden as well. This could be her one missing life! Hyunjin plugged ViVi in to save her, maybe because she already knew she is in the right place

Speaking of GoWon I noticed that the same cat from Cinema Theory was the one in the See Saw video.

It’s a sad way to look at all of this, but I think it could be possible bbc had some intention here. They’ve never shyed away from controversial topics. Either way Hyunjin has a sad beautiful story and I’m excited for more of it. Maybe her 9 lives will come into play in the story

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