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Jan 24, 2019, 40 tweets

1/ We asked every Texan in Congress whether the government shutdown over President Trump's border wall is worth it.

Here’s what they told us. Follow this thread. #borderwall #GovernmentShutdown bit.ly/2Htq5qj

2/ We asked every Texan in Congress these two questions:

+ Should the U.S. government finish the wall along the country's southern border?

+ Is the stalemate worth federal workers and contractors missing their paychecks?


3/ When we asked Sen. John Cornyn about a border wall, he didn’t give us a yes or no.

He said: "There is no one-size-fits-all prescription for the entire border. It's quite a diverse geography."


4/ Sen. Ted Cruz said yes: The government should finish the wall along the southern border.

Regarding federal workers, Cruz said: “Now, they should be paid today. [New York Sen. Chuck] Schumer needs to end this shutdown.”


5/ Rep. Louie Gohmert said on Fox News: “[Let the shutdown run] until hell freezes over. Because we owe it to our country.” bit.ly/2Htq5qj

6/ Rep. Dan Crenshaw did not comment on whether the stalemate is worth it.

But he said he supports President Donald Trump’s proposal. bit.ly/2Htq5qj

7/ Rep. Van Taylor did not return a request for comment. bit.ly/2Htq5qj

8/ Rep. John Ratcliffe supports a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, he said: “I believe this is a hill worth dying on and for.”


9/ Rep. Lance Gooden supports a border wall.

He did not comment on whether the stalemate is worth it.


10/ Rep. Ron Wright supports a border wall.

Regarding the stalemate, he said: “This is a national security issue and the safety and security of the American people have got to come first."


11/ Rep. Lizzie Pannill Fletcher is against the border wall and the shutdown. bit.ly/2Htq5qj

12/ Rep. Kevin Brady supports a border wall.

He says “there is no excuse to keep the government shut down.”


13/ Rep. Al Green did not return a request for comment. bit.ly/2Htq5qj

14/ Rep. Michael McCaul supports a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, he said: "Ending the partial shutdown without solving this problem will make the situation worse in the future.” bit.ly/2Htq5qj

15/ Rep. Mike Conaway supports a border wall.

He did not comment on whether the stalemate is worth it. bit.ly/2Htq5qj

16/ Rep. Kay Granger did not return a request for comment. bit.ly/2Htq5qj

17/ Rep. Mac Thornberry supports a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, he said: “If you want to have a political issue, show how tough you are, then it’s harder to make much progress.” bit.ly/2Htq5qj

18/ Rep. Randy Weber did not return a request for comment. bit.ly/2Htq5qj

19/ Rep. Vicente Gonzalez does not support a border wall.

He says the shutdown is "absolutely not" worth it. bit.ly/2Htq5qj

20/ Rep. Veronica Escobar does not support a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, she said: "No deal, no deal, no deal." bit.ly/2Htq5qj

21/ Rep. Bill Flores supports a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, he said: "I think both sides are partially to blame, but at this point in time, it's time to stop pointing fingers and start getting the funding flowing." bit.ly/2Htq5qj

22/ Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee does not support a border wall.

Regarding a shutdown, she said: "It is the president who is holding federal workers, contractors and the federal government hostage." bit.ly/2Htq5qj

23/ Rep. Jodey Arrington supports a border wall.

He did not comment on whether the stalemate is worth it. bit.ly/2Htq5qj

24/ Rep. Joaquin Castro does not support a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, he said: "Trump should reopen the government immediately."


25/ Rep. Chip Roy did not return a request for comment. bit.ly/2Htq5qj

26/ Rep. Will Hurd is against a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, he said: "Not paying the people and furloughing the people dealing with this problem doesn’t make any sense." bit.ly/2Htq5qj

27/ Rep. Kenny Marchant supports a border wall.

He did not comment on whether the stalemate is worth it. bit.ly/2Htq5qj

28/ Rep. Roger Williams supports a border wall.

Regarding the stalemate, he said: "I don't like it. I want to get people paid that aren't getting paid." bit.ly/2Htq5qj

29/ Rep. Michael Burgess supports a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, he said: "Speaker Pelosi consistently rejects opportunities to reach a commonsense agreement that will reopen the government and secure our borders.” bit.ly/2Htq5qj

30/ Rep. Michael Cloud supports a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, he said: "But there should be nothing partisan about ending a humanitarian and criminal crisis that is driven by cartels — and enabled by our federal government’s failure to act." bit.ly/2Htq5qj

31/ Rep. Henry Cuellar does not support a border wall.

Regarding the stalemate, he said: "Only once the government shutdown ends and the American people receive their paychecks can Congress can get back to work on negotiating a compromise."


32/ Rep. Sylvia Garcia does not support a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, she said: "When it comes to the offer on DACA, DAPA, TPS... Those are issues that he created." bit.ly/2Htq5qj

33/ Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson does not support a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, she said: "The president should be thanking [public servants] for their service and sacrifice, not putting their livelihoods on the line..." bit.ly/2Htq5qj

34/ Rep. John Carter supports a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, he said: "A government shutdown is never a good thing...that’s why I’m refusing my pay during this shutdown." bit.ly/2Htq5qj

35/ Rep. Colin Allred does not support a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, he said: "This shutdown must end so bipartisan negotiations can begin."


36/ Rep. Marc Veasey does not support a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, he said: "President Trump and Senate Republicans are choosing political self-interest over our families.” bit.ly/2Htq5qj

37/ Rep. Filemon Vela does not support a border wall.

He did not comment on whether the stalemate is worth it. bit.ly/2Htq5qj

38/ Rep. Lloyd Doggett does not support a border wall.

Regarding the shutdown, he said: "Yielding to the hostage-taker will only produce more shutdowns for even more outrageous demands." bit.ly/2Htq5qj

39/ Rep. Brian Babin supports a border wall.

Regarding the stalemate, he said: "The Democrats do not want to fund this border wall or to make the changes in the policies and vote to change the things that will secure our border." bit.ly/2Htq5qj

40/40 Rep. Pete Olson supports a border wall.

Regarding the stalemate, he said: "We have a responsibility to fully fund our government and ensure paychecks flow to the hundreds of thousands of federal workers who are performing vital work..." bit.ly/2Htq5qj

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