DAE India Profile picture
Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India

Jan 26, 2019, 5 tweets

70 वें गणतंत्र दिवस की शुभकामनाएं - प ऊ वि मुख्यालय में समारोह की झलकियाँ

@PMOIndia @DrJitendraSingh @nuclearfriends

Shri K. N. Vyas, Chairman AEC and Secretary DAE, hoisted the National Flag at the DAE Headquarters in Mumbai and greeted all on the occasion of the 70th Republic Day.

In his Address, Shri Vyas presented a glimpse of the recent achievements of the constituent Units and Institutions of DAE.

Shri Vyas made an appeal to the employees to work tirelessly and expeditiously to meet the goals set forth in mandate and vision plans of the Department.

Shri Vyas also inspected the Parade and complimented the staff of DAE Security and other auxiliary services for their dedication.

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