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Jan 27, 2019, 9 tweets

Some more connections between these 2 is their eyes, water, and being on either side of Kim Lip. Both of them have blue odd eyes, but ViVi’s is not the same. So why am I thinking this is not Yves?

I think Yves might be replicating a time of ViVi and Jinsoul skating to help her remember. We see her eating the apple and we see at the end of new ViVi wake up as if she remembers now. But if we look at EDINY ViVi has clearly woken up seems aware. She is with Jinsoul and happy

We also have their connection of the aquarium where ViVi and Haseul see Jinsoul from Cinema Theory. We still have a lot missing from Olivia vs Yves But Jinsoul may have been trapped by Olivia to lure ViVi, someone who Yves seems to love. Olivia may have been who made her android.

Hong Kong is world famous for neon signs. We see ViVi’s sign turn on. Jinsoul also has a sign that reads fallen angel. I’ve been inverting all the Loona videos and one color that doesn’t show up often is Yves’. But I think the sign does look like Yves color inverted.

Speaking of inverted colors, we see ViVi with a mop, which reminded me of Heejin with the broom and inverted they both are pink and blue

Remember the folder with the black cat? Well it also has a Swan

We see a retro basketball game toy on the counter which reminded me of 1/3 playing basketball.

We have so many clues to her other lives, but why is this memory distorted? I believe it’s because Olivia burned the tape. God sent her to destroy everything. Maybe this is what damaged robot ViVi’s memory. Yves could be trying to help ViVi remember her trapped friend Jinsoul?

The last thing I wanted to point out was the xx. We can see this blue screen and at the bottom it says (X,Bye) which we know means xx. I think we may see some of this story continue in the next comebacks until then... x,bye

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