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Jan 28, 2019, 7 tweets

There are many countries that have no State. They are there but they have no organised authority that runs them, Somalia is one of them. There are others but I will not mention them for diplomatic reasons - President @KagutaMuseveni #NTVNews ntv.co.ug/live

People thought we opposed Idi Amin because he was killing people but we opposed him because, for us, we are nationalists and Patriots and that is why I left DP which was my political party - @KagutaMuseveni #NTVNews ntv.co.ug/live

We have fought our wars by ourselves. We are not candidates of the UN troops because we created pillars of security. The UN troops have been in Congo since 1960, they are there supervising chaos and conserving terrorism - @KagutaMuseveni #NTVNews ntv.co.ug/live

I am one of the people that have had a problem with this issue of bail. While amending the constitution, we said bail "may" be given but some judicial officers have turned the "may" into "shall" - @KagutaMuseveni #NTVNews ntv.co.ug/live

On the issue of remuneration, I have been clear that the one who is most needed should be the one to get a first call on the scarce resources. These include scientists among others - @KagutaMuseveni #NTVNews ntv.co.ug/live

When you talk about understaffing, you are not the only ones. Look at our @PoliceUg . If we choose to increase the man power in all sectors, we shall have no money to do other things and in the end, we shall have a crisis - @KagutaMuseveni #NTVNews ntv.co.ug/live

The people you are evicting are my fighters. They are people I led, they are peasants, I know them by name so there is no way I can ignore those eveictions - President @KagutaMuseveni on land evictions. #NTVNews ntv.co.ug/live

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