ANC England Profile picture
The Catalan National Assembly in England is a non-partisan organization aiming to help the Catalan independence movement from England.

Feb 12, 2019, 5 tweets

UK, make a move!

Stop the fake trial against the Catalan leaders!

The sooner we become independent, the sooner the political prisoners will be back!

Intervencions dels diputats @DougChapmanSNP , @MickeyBradySF , @AngusMacNeilSNP and author @chrisbambery

@LSRPlaid Liz Saville Roberts, leader of Plaid Cymru, addressing the rally in favour of Catalonia 👉

“We will always stand by you”.

@HywelPlaidCymru , chair of the @APPGCatalonia , addresses the rally 👉

“The silence of the UK government and of the EU institutions is a disgrace”


@HywelPlaidCymru 👉

“Where’s @jeremycorbyn ? Jeremy Corbyn should be here. His silence breaks my heart”.


Coordinador ANC-England:

“Els presos polítics no els treurem demanant misericòrdia, no els treurem amb plors.

Els treurem complint amb el mandat de l’1 d’octubre i fent efectiva la independència, visca la República!”


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