SYAA⁷🤪👌🏻IS WRITING Profile picture
bangtan multiple ships enthusiast, but taejin is THE ship \ au writer @btshipsfilms is my edit acc and converselow is my ao3 username

Feb 13, 2019, 125 tweets

< Boys Over Flowers, jin harem au >

Seokjin lands himself a job as a lecturer in Shinhwa University for a special group of privileged students called F4. There, he meets the infamous group of rich heirs and interestingly enough, each one of them gain a reason to pursue him.

i shall start this now i guess whoop! first thing first:
1. the au will be a mix of pictures and written form
2. ignore the no of rts and likes i am that lazy even until now
3. for pics edit, ignore the random stuffs on the pic and also hair colours and outfits doesnt rly matter

4. people have nothing against same sex relationship in this au
lastly, enjoy the au :')

001 / shinhwa school

002 / flower four

003 / a genius

004 / that guy, seokchin

005 / taehyung and jimin

006 / jungkook and namjoon

007 / seokjin's updates throughout the day

008 / introducing, min yoongi

009 / a favor

010 / emails

011 / new lecturer

012 / first class pt 1

013 / first class pt 2

014 / first class pt 3

015 / first class pt 4

016 / humiliated

017 / red card

018 / 3 years ago

019 / who's RJ?

020 / at the same time, seokjin's home

021 / bad feeling

022 / the next day...

023 / effect of the red card

024 / F4 minions

025 / errand boy

026 / next level of shameless

027 / as dumb as she was

028 / min yoona

029 / the next day...

030 / good luck

031 / the rest of the day

032 / betting tendency

033 / incoming email

034 / slip away

035 / incubator neighbours

036 / the red card incident

037 / friday, seokjin's class

038 / second class pt 1

039 / second class pt 2

040 / pop quiz's aftermath

041 / sayonara peaches

042 / virgin ghost

043 / a saviour

044 / by his side

045 / saturday morning pt 1

046 / saturday morning pt 2

047 / 6:17 pm

048 / his Tata

049 / Tata and RJ

050 / Tata and RJ pt 2

051 / crazy idea

052 / my toy

053 / private plane

054 / my master 🥰

055 / breakfast pt 1

056 / breakfast pt 2

okay i'll continue this later after work! send me your thoughts here or sth nice for me to return to 🥰🥰

057 / 10 am, korea

058 / gut feeling

059 / in the meantime...

060 / seokjin's chalet

061 / minha and her two brothers

062 / currently, F4 members...

063 / what he's doing

064 / the truth

065 / meeting mom pt 1

066 / meeting mom pt 2

067 / checking on him pt 1

068 / checking up on him pt 2

069 / later on, that night pt 1

070 / later on, that night pt 2

okay i'll be out for the rest of the day so like tell me what you think of the story so far!

071 / one more night

072 / why he doesnt wanna stay sober

073 / back in korea

074 / his wish

075 / glad to be home

076 / jealous

077 / jimin's warning

078 / during seokjin's class...

079 / a crush on chinnie

080 / the tiger's den

081 / treehouse

082 / finding seokjin

083 / invisible boy

084 / day two

085 / second class

086 / flirt attempt #1

087 / third class

088 / the right words

089 / direct question

090 / party night

091 / hoseok's warning pt 1

092 / hoseok's warning pt 2

093 / hoseok's warning pt 3

i accidentally wrote jaehwan calling seokjin hyung so like ignore that pleathe it's 6:30am lmao anyways tell me what you think so far!

i just noticed that the thread broke so here's the continuation

094 / F4's reaction

095 / finding the masked boy

096 / drunkass in my library

097 / how to unhear

098 / contract sealed

099 / what happened last night pt 1

100 / what happened last night pt 2

so, as if it's not obvious already haha this will be a long ass fic bc i wanna focus on interactions for every ship as much as i can! so like i hope you guys dont mind the late updates and all 😩😩

101 / taehyung freaks out

102 / the stupid bunch

103 / dramatic revelation

104 / may the best man wins

105 / the next day in class

106 / i want my man

107 / dont tell me...

108 / that night

109 / chairman's reading room pt 1

110 / chairman's reading room pt 2

111 / i mean..

112 / masked man = cinderella?

i changed the profile pics bc social dummy messed it up ugh. i'll continue the updates after work!

113 / housemate's complain

114 / updates throughout the day

115 / falling-for-chinnie train

116 / valid wishes

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