B is busy 🥺 (short updates for now) Profile picture
i write jikook au’s in my free time 🤪 @badbyejiminie (i am very busy up until 3/03 so updates will be very short and sporadic)

Feb 18, 2019, 42 tweets

~Jikook AU~

Jimin, has a crush on his older brothers best friend, aka Jungkook. But Jk treats him like a little brother. So Jm makes a plan to make him jealous and angry, he decides to start dating a senior he knows Jk dislikes. That will get his attention, right?

posting profiles tmr🥰 it’s kinda late here lol ;))

after outlining everything, it seems that this au is going to have A LOT of full writing. so if that’s not in ur interest, i’m v sorry☹️

Park Jimin, 18
~Namjoon’s younger brother.

~On the varsity dance team, even though he is going to be a freshman.

~Has always had a tiny crush on Jungkook.

Jeon Jungkook, 23
~Namjoon’s best friend.

~The university’s popular bad boy.

~Likes to party.

~Cares for jimin, but treats him like a kid.

Park Namjoon, 24
~Jimin’s older brother.

~Very protective over Jimin.

~Jungkook’s best friend.

Kim Taehyung (aka Tae), 18
~Jimin’s best friend, they have been together since childhood.

~Very popular on social media, because of his looks/visuals.
(sometimes uploads videos on youtube)

other characters coming later in the story :)

if anything needs warnings or tags i will make sure to put a sign before the part starts.

here we go!!

and so it begins...

jimin asks joon

Tae’s joining :)

jimin and tae need a ride.

updates end here today 💞 i didn’t know how to start the story sksksksks. but from here it will start to pick up :)

jungkook picks up jimin :)

ik i just updates once, but i am very very busy on tuesdays and thursdays :( i will probably update a lot tmr :)) anyways this weekend is also hectic so idk how much i’ll be able to do 💞


they’re still in the car...

okay i know i said i was gonna update more today, but these next two weeks are gonna be so hectic 😩 so please forgive me for small updates. anyways ask me something! curiouscat.me/ParadiseJikook_

okay i’m so sorry for not being able to update but i’m so busy this weekend and next, and just don’t have time 🥺 but i promise i’ll get back to regular updating in about 2 weeks. updates will be sporadic and short for now :((

headed to the partyyyyy

(aka their outfits for the party)

here we go whores


the video

i’m sorry the party scene was so fast, but i feel like this au is going to be fairly long, so i wanted this scene to be shorter :) anyways that’s all the updates for today. it’s currently 12:30am so i’m going to die at school tmr. i’ll try to update ASAP, but my week is hectic :(

hey guys i’m hopping in the shower then updates are coming 🤪🤧

uh oh...

cafe hehe

i swear this is a Jikook AU

insta posts after


that’s all the updates for tonight💞🤧 anyways jikook are mad at each other... will they make up?

make a decision...

Taemin is... yeah.

jimin posts.

cu shade room got ahold of the information...

that’s all for today🤧 now i have a 3 hour practice🤩 idk how much i’ll be able to update from now until next monday, cause school and sports are whoopin me. i have an out of state competition this weekend, so i won’t be able to update😩

headed to freshman orientation :)

i’m so sorry j*minie

🔞the posts...

decided to upload a couple more updates since i already had them done. it’s currently 12:20am and i’m going to get in the shower, even though i have to wake up @ 6:30 😔

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