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Feb 27, 2019, 41 tweets

Oh Noes! Gays In The Locker Rooms! Whatever Shall We Do? (thread)

This thread will contain examples of how modern transphobia recycles homophobia from years past

The Daily Utah Chronicle 1998-04-06
We Must Consider Who Works the Locker Room

Leader-Telegram (Eau Claire, Wisconsin) 1993-12-03
Bias against gays on the job often subtle, difficult to thwart

The Post-Crescent 1977-11-14

'There is the "lavender Martian myth," that gay people are avaricious, rapacious, not quite human. The "lavender plague myth" seems to hold that homosexualism is a disease, a sickness, a contagion and that young people are particularly susceptible.'

The Edwardsville Intelligencer (Edwardsville, IL) 1977-06-14
Homosexuality influential

"It is not that we should condemn but it should be treated (medically if you like) just as we would treat any contagious disease, "

Philadelphia Daily News (Philly, Penn.) 1974-04-19

"I don't care what anyone says, I refuse to regard homosexuals and lesbians as normal people."
"Too much publicity and attention has already resulted in a lot of contagious homosexuality."

The Province (Vancouver, BC, Canada) 1973-02-01

"unrelated to the classical pattern"

"no early signs of homosexual attachment"

"I believe that social interaction played a large part in its development"

Must be Rapid Onset Homosexuality, right?

The Indianapolis News 1974-04-20
What About Rights Of Heterosexuals?

'[...] They proudly go public, as it were, and begin proselytizing, and in so doing invade the privacy of us benighted heterosexuals. And that's when I cry, "Whoa!" We have our rights, too. '

The Tennessean 1989-09-20

"A governmental task force report that blames fundamentalism for encouraging homosexual teen suicide should anger Southern Baptists that tax dollars are being used to "attack religion," Baptist leaders were told yesterday."

The Baltimore Sun (Baltimore, MD) 1997-07-20

'There's a certain Hollywood-style Inevitability about the case of Andrew Phillip Cunanan, the homosexual hustler who's believed to be America's newest and most lurid mass murderer. : Gay "rage," both real and bogus, directed...'

The Ottowa Journal 1979-08-13
Obviously unrepresentative homosexual extremists have strained sympathies by their demands that homosexuality be accepted as an alternative lifestyle, [...] demanding that homosexuals should have the right to explain their way of life in the schools.

Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 1964-03-15

"Lesbians, or female homosexuals, are often arrested for assault when [...]. Homosexuals are intense, sometimes unstable, and often don't accept reality, according to Policewoman Mather."

The Daily Chronicle, 1977-04-12

"50 per cent of the suicides and murders in America's larger cities can be attributed to homosexuals. Even the most cursory examination of homosexual magazines reveals that seduction of children is part of the typical homosexual behavior pattern"

"But what about DESISTERS?!"

The Coos Bay Times, 1956-10-04

Since many of these youths are not "true homosexuals," they are misled by Kinsey statistics, [...] They revert" to healthy sexuality, he said, but they're forever after "burdened with damaging guilt and self-doubt."

Hat tip @mimmymum

July 1990
“ bad that young girl players were scared to go into tournament changing rooms...”

The Ottawa Citizen 2002-12-18

Locker room ban prompts lesbian to sue school

Los Angeles Times, 1992-04-06
"- No Drinking.
- No Drugs.
- No Lesbians."

The News Journal (Wilmington, Delaware) 1990-01-28

"These kids will grow out of it"

The Courier-Journal (Lousiville, KY) 1975-10-25

"A leader of a local women's rights group said yesterday that pickets will march outside the studios of WAVE-TV tonight to protest the airing of a movie they say gives a dangerous and unfair picture of lesbians and rape. "

Carrizozo Lincoln County News, page 4 1985-08-01

"Director Patrick Fagan noted that the Louisiana Chapter of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) recently withdrew from the national organization over the issue of lesbian infiltration"

The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) 1985-08-10

" representing most of the nation's 877 women's shelters...

The coalition has a lesbian task force that deals with such issues as discrimination against lesbian shelter workers and fear of homosexuals."

Messenger-Inquirer (Owensboro, KY, USA), 1975-12-07
ERA backers unfeminine

Too much here to unpack in a tweet. Let's just say it is hitting a lot of notes.

Chicago Tribune 1990-09-02

'Specifically, the admiral warned of a "predator-type environment," in which "more senior and aggressive female sailors" exert "subtle coersion" or "outright sexual advances" on their "young, often vulnerable" female colleagues. '

The Pantagraph (Bloomington, IL) 1986-04-24
"There are only two sexes male and female, of which there are no sub-groups. In essence, homosexuals have created homosexual and bisexual sub-groups. Hence we have demonstrations for homosexual rights under the euphemism, 'gay rights.'"

The Signal (Santa Clara, CA) 1996-08-13
"We are still man (XY) and woman (XX). They have found no chromosome for homosexuality."

"They have with physical violence, intimidation and threats caused the medical community to say homosexuality is not a deviant or perverted lifestyle"

The Boston Globe (Boston, MA) 2003-05-25

"study...found that 75 percent of boys who at age 16 think they are homosexual will become permanently heterosexual by age 25"

The Salina Journal (Salina, KS) 1998-07-24

"Gay rights activists are out to silence anyone who disagrees with their radical agenda"

Enterprise-Journal (McComb, MI) 1998-10-11

"Towards an open debate on homosexual behavior"

"In defense of free speech"

"Just because we disagree doesn't make us homophobic"

The Daily Herald (Provo, UT) 1997-09-28

"Disagree with the American Psychological Association's latest resolution, and you can expect your name to become synonymous with ignorance, intolerance, hatred and homophobia."

The Age (Melbourne, Aus) 1999-05-28

"It is grossly unfair and misleading for those who work to win recruits to homosexual practice to blame those who discourage such recruiting for the suicide of homosexuals."

The Bee (Danville, VA) 1977-11-21

"Betty Friedan, considered the mother of the modern feminist movement, admitted she had been wrong in crusading to keep lesbians out of the movement for years, calling lesbians 'the lavender menace.'"

The Daily Utah Chronicle (SLC, UT) 1993-10-21

"It is ludicrous to compare the plight of homosexuals to that of other genuine fights for civil rights, such as blacks."

Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, NY) 1973-02-04

"Some straight women fear that lesbians will take over their organizations"

"...ization for women conducted a purge of lesbians and lesbian sympathizers"

"But all they do is mock the male-female roles which are rigidly sexist."

Baxter Bulletin (Mountain Home, AK) 1999-03-09
Don' t buy the lie about homosexuality

"Medically speaking we are born with a combinations of only two chromosomes, the "X" and/or the "Y," ....born either male or female...there is no medical proof of a homosexual propensity gene."

Calgary Herald, 1970-06-13
US Psychiatrist Warns of Homosexual 'Epidemic'

The Boston Globe (Boston, MA) 2000-10-11

'They are not homophobic or bigoted or intolerant. They are just concerned that public schools might be presenting "controversial issues to our children"'

The Guardian, 1990-05-28
"The gay community [...]feel helpless in the face of the daily barrage of hate [...] our complaints to the Press Council had been repeatedly rejected. The Council did not-and still does not-accept that press homophobia incites hatred against homosexuals."

The Guardian, 1998-11-02
How the Sun came out

'October 1990: [...] Islington Council's Woman's Therapy Centre "encourages confused women to become lesbians" says Caroline Graham.'

The Ithica Journal (Ithica, NY) 1996-08-24

"Homosexuals suffer from heterophobia."

The Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City, OK), 2000-06-05

"homosexual invectives and threats have effectively shut down most attempts to expose bogus research or [...] so many of our politicians, our journalists, [... ] intimidated into passive assent, or cowed into silence."

Star-Phoenix (Saskatoon, Canada) 2000-05-17

"The well-funded and well-connected homosexual activist movement has become the McCarthyism of the 21st century. Opposition to any of its goals is tantamount to ... being Communist sympathizers. The topic is not open to de-ate."

1960s PSA "Homosexuals: The Terrible Truth"

"It used to be a rare thing for a juvenile...but look at these recent numbers"

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