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Capitol Hill Correspondent @NewsNation • Metro-Detroit • Proudly Lebanese 🇱🇧 • @ColumbiaJourn • #Sparty @ShirinRajaee’s Husband & Selma’s Dad :) Stay Hungry!

Feb 27, 2019, 7 tweets

Sacramento Police Chief @Chief_Hahn Former Kings player/color analyst @TheDougChristie and Pastor @LesSimmons talking challenges with community/police relations in Sacramento, part of a @SacramentoKings “Team Up for Change” event @FOX40

“We need young people to understand what police go through and we need police to understand what young people go through.” -@Chief_Hahn @FOX40

@TheDougChristie touts NBA commissioner Adam Silver and @SacramentoKings owner Vivek Ranadive as forward thinking, men who respect players. Invokes Vivek speaking directly to the city following the death of #stephonclark @FOX40

“You can do both.” Chief Hahn on trusting/respecting both people fighting for justice, and Sacramento Police Officers. @FOX40

We don’t handle differences well in this country, we need to start having real conversations, difficult conversations. -@Chief_Hahn @FOX40

Now @SacramentoKings owner Vivek Ranadive joining @Bucks owner Marc Lasry to talk police community relations. Both cities have seen high profile events involving racial tension and policing @FOX40

Mark Thomsen, the attorney for @sterling7 joining Vivek and Bucks owner on stage -discussing controversial Sterling Brown arrest @FOX40

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