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Mar 2, 2019, 9 tweets

We got a fresh article right here that details alt-lite leanings of TST project Grey Faction director Evan Anderson. #AltrightTST…

Just like every fascist we've exposed here, Evan is anti-SJW, anti-PC, anti-intersectionality, and he's Islamophobic. He's retweeted personalities like the Amazing Atheist and Sam Harris, leading down the Islamophobic and anti-PC rabbit hole.

We joked in the article about a piece Evan wrote sounding like someone such as Dave Rubin could have penned it, and what do you know, he's retweeted Dave too. Also, Evan writes for reactionary centrist site Quillette.

Evan has a Medium blog and in one post he says that the KKK isn't a problem when they invade communities and that the confederate flag isn't oppressive.…

He really hates Islam and Muslim feminists, and he attacks a leader of the Women's March, Linda Sarsour, as being a fake feminist (he hates feminism too).

Evan is also a transphobe and he retweets other transphobes like Debrah Soh. Transphobia is white supremacy and an aspect of fascism, and it's very telling here that a person in a seat of authority in TST is transphobic.

And just like his temple leader Doug Misicko/Mesner, he wants fascists and bigots to have a platform from which to spread violence.

The Satanic Temple is a crypto-fascist organization and on all fronts they seem to be leaking fascist and alt-right sympathies and undercurrents. They front as a leftist political activist group but when you plunge the depths their troubling nature shows.

If you're into countercultural and LHP religion, we suggest skipping TST. You can find all our coverage on TST with #AltrightTST.

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