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Capitol Hill Correspondent @NewsNation • Metro-Detroit • Proudly Lebanese 🇱🇧 • @ColumbiaJourn • #Sparty @ShirinRajaee’s Husband & Selma’s Dad :) Stay Hungry!

Mar 5, 2019, 8 tweets

Any moment now Attorney General Xavier Becerra will announce the findings of his investigation into the shooting death of #StephonClark @FOX40

This decision comes on the heels of the Sacramento County DA’s decision not to file charges against the officers involved in Clark’s death. Just last night 85 people were detained by Sac PD in #StephonClark protests @FOX40

Attorney General Xavier Becerra reportedly met with the family of #StephonClark before this announcement, which is coming shortly @FOX40

Xavier Becerra details his findings in #StephonClark shooting. So far, they’re in line with what DA Anne Marie Schubert found. Her office did not charge officers with any crimes @FOX40

Becerra reiterates #StephonClark refused multiple requests by officers to show his hands, calls the situation before the shooting a rapidly changing one @FOX40

BREAKING: Attorney General Xavier Becerra announces he too won’t charge officers involved with #StephonClark’s death @FOX40

AG says he knows this is not how the Clark family wanted Stephon’s story to end @FOX40

AG Becerra calls his report comprehensive and says the totality of the evidence led to his decision in #StephonClark case @FOX40

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