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Mar 14, 2019, 5 tweets

Unsealed transcripts from the 3/7/19 Concord Management (Russian Troll case) hearing.

At issue was Concord lawyer's request to take "sensitive" documents to Russia to prepare their defense.

DOJ has designated 3.2 million documents as "sensitive"

Fascinating - the DOJ doesn't want to share the documents with those it charged with a crime because disclosure "would implicate important law enforcement and national security interests."

Some new information:

1) The DOJ will not file a superseding indictment.

2) Additional evidence "that carries witness security implications" will be produced by the DOJ closer to trial (when set)

Why is the information deemed "sensitive"?

Not because of the contents - but because of collection.

The info on what the US collects, when "in the hands of a foreign adversary can be used to avoid detection in the future"

Huh. Maybe this prosecution is counter-productive...

The lawyer for Concord (me and @almostjingo are huge fans) speaks:

The DOJ has misrepresented the "sensitive" documents.

The DOJ lawyer "needs to go back and do his homework"

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