José Ramón Marcaida Profile picture
Historian of science & art @CSIC Instituto de Historia | Research interests: scientific images / natural history / prints / practical knowledge / techniques

Mar 15, 2019, 7 tweets

A few photos from the exhibition "Disentangle. Science in a Gendered World", currently at @LifeSpaceDundee, which we visited during our field trip for the PG module #AH5163 'Representation and the Body' @ArtHistoryStA with co-tutors Stephanie O'Rourke @sorourke15 & Jeremy Howard

Botanical teaching chart of Dodder - Cuscuta glomerata (aka Wizard's Net or Devil's Guts), 1880s-90s - selected by Ker Wallwork @LifeSpaceDundee

Mantis - multiple species. Selected by Kaya Fraser @LifeSpaceDundee

Kira O'Reilly & Jennifer Willet, Untitled (Pigtails & Showgirls protocol) series, 2009. Photo on display: Bernd Bohm @LifeSpaceDundee

Gendered Innovations - a project initiated by Londa Schiebinger @Stanford @LifeSpaceDundee

We also visited the exhibition @dundeeuni "Bodies, Botanicals & Bindings: Reimagining Rare Books", where we saw the wonderful "Vivitur Ingenio" skeleton by Vesalius (1568 edition), which was discussed in #AH5163 class (also in #AH4236)

Back to @LifeSpaceDundee, it was interesting to see, upstairs, this work by Nicholas Wade: NOSolution (1999). As indicated there, embedded in the picture is the face of researcher Salvador Moncada. #AH5163

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