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Capitol Hill Correspondent @NewsNation • Metro-Detroit • Proudly Lebanese 🇱🇧 • @ColumbiaJourn • #Sparty @ShirinRajaee’s Husband & Selma’s Dad :) Stay Hungry!

Mar 18, 2019, 17 tweets

Reverend Al Sharpton to address the media on the one year anniversary of #Stephonclark’s death, outside the Capitol steps @FOX40

Prominent Civil Rights Attorney Ben Crump with Stevante Clark, the brother of #StephonClark. Today marks one year since Stephon was shot/killed in his grandmother’s backyard @FOX40

Attorney Ben Crump tells #StephonClark’s grandmother that he’ll be speaking about Stephon’s legacy in Sacramento as he takes to the podium with @TheRevAl this afternoon @FOX40

Reverend Al Sharpton greeting family of #StephonClark at the Capitol @FOX40

Attorney Ben Crump says he wants to discuss teachable moments from the death of #StephonClark @FOX40

Crump gets an ovation when e invoked AB 392-overhauling police use of deadly force policy @FOX40

Crump critical of DA’s decision to release texts/search history of Stephon Clark, suggesting he was suicidal. Crump says if Clark was committing suicide by cop...“He shouldn’t have six bullets to the back.” @FOX40

Sequita Thompson, #StephonClark’s grandmother calls DA Anne Marie Schubert “heartless.” @FOX40

Sequette, Stephon Clark’s Mother, says DA attacked Stephons character unfairly after his death @FOX40

A very personal account now from #Stephonclark’s brother Stevante. He started off by saying he just wanted to talk about who Stephon was. @FOX40

Many members of the group Moms Demand Action, at the capitol for an anti-gun violence rally, came after their presentation to hear the #StephonClark presser @FOX40

Reverend Al Sharpton says this case “smells of Donald Trumpism”; calls for mandatory Grand Juries in cases of police shootings #StephonClark @FOX40

Sharpton calls for City Manager to remove the 2 officers who shot #StephonClark from Sacramento Police Force @FOX40

The mother of #StephonClark’s children escorted into the back entrance of Genesis Church by family members/family supporters @FOX40

Ben Crump delivering another impassioned speech at Genesis Church, much the same message we heard at the Capitol. Discussing a use-of-force double standard between young men of color and white young men @FOX40

Sharpton once again repeats his call for mandatory grand jury in all police shooting cases #StephonClark @TheRevAl @FOX40

“If you want a way to the presidency, you’re gonna have to go through #StephonClark” -@TheRevAl calling on/challenging Democratic presidential candidates to address the shooting if they campaign in California @FOX40

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