Councillor Ben Lohberger Profile picture
Hobart City Councillor, community services worker, gardener, and writer. Elected to the Hobart City Council in 2022 #lgtas #politas #gotiges

Mar 31, 2019, 59 tweets

The @UTAS_ Council meets on Friday to decide whether to abandon most or all of the beautiful Sandy Bay campus, based on a lie. UTAS claims it can’t refurbish old buildings on the campus, but the evidence says it can. They wasted the💰on CBD buildings instead
#politas #lgtas

The Engineering building at Sandy Bay was built in 1959. A few weeks ago UTAS launched a new state-of-the-art design centre inside this 60-year old building. This facility is one of the most modern teaching spaces in Tasmania. In a 60yo old building

The old engineering building on the Domain campus was built in the 50s or 60s. But UTAS has successfully refurbished it for the School of Nursing and Midwifery, a faculty that clearly involves aspects of Science, and Technology. In an old building…

The Domestic Arts Building at the Burnie campus was the last surviving building from the old high school, which dated back to 1929. It was heritage-listed, but was refurbished by @UTAS_ years ago. Another old building. It’s a white elephant now…

The Commerce Building (1993) sits above Churchill Ave, but has stood empty for the past three years. Meanwhile, the Centenary Building on the lower campus was also built in 93, but it’s still being used for Economics and Computing. Building age clearly has no relation to use.

[redundant tweet making obvious point about Oxford and Cambridge managing somehow with buildings that are 600+ years old, while UTAS does something else]

We’re facing a real existential threat from climate change. But instead of leading the charge to lower emissions, our university is locked into a plan that will create huge, unnecessary emissions. It’s irresponsible vandalism, from our best & brightest #politas #lgtas #weareutas

Meanwhile, here’s a job ad from the “place-based” University of Tasmania, in the @smh last weekend. It’s for the Dean of three @UTAS_ campuses in ... Sydney. I don’t think it was advertised in Tasmania’s “place-based” newspapers
#politas #weareutas

I’m at tonight’s @cityofhobarttas meeting to ask whether HCC has any concerns about the huge & unnecessary carbon emissions that’ll occur if @UTAS_ abandons the Sandy Bay campus, demolishes old retail buildings in Hobart, & replaces them with a new concrete campus #politas #lgtas

A lengthy answer from @cityofhobarttas, that acknowledges the need for some sort of carbon accounting comparison of the options: to abandon some, or all of the Sandy Bay campus. There is of course no such document, because @UTAS_ doesn’t care about the issue as it relates to them

The teaching staff at @UTAS_ are overwhelmingly against the proposal to abandon the unique Sandy Bay campus, and I seem to recall the @TUU_SRC also has concerns. Staff don't want it. Students don't want it. Who does want it?

#politas #lgtas #weareutas

UTAS announces it will abandon the Sandy Bay campus, at a cost of $600 million, instead of refurbishing the campus for $570 million. This is economic and environmental vandalism #politas #lgtas #weareutas…

There was a 3rd choice. Sell the CBD property & use the uh profits to renovate the Sandy Bay campus. They could have had a world-class campus, in a world-class position, for a lot less money. Instead, we get a concrete CBD campus, & a lot of stranded assets at Sandy Bay #politas

Today's email to all @UTAS_ staff about the decision to abandon the Sandy Bay campus. A word salad for the ages. Five ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#politas #lgtas #weareutas

The @UTAS_ ‘consultation’ with staff & students included the claim that it’d be cheaper to leave Sandy Bay than to renovate. Now the decision has been made, UTAS reveals it will actually be more expensive to leave. Another lie; it’s like our own little brexit #politas #weareutas

During their ‘consultations’ @UTAS_ presented the cheaper cost of moving to the CBD as a “Pro” in favour of the move. These were the numbers:
$445M to move to the CBD
$570M to remain in Sandy Bay

What sort of a University lies so blatantly to its own people? #weareutas #politas

A current @UTAS_ student weighs in with a recurring theme of late...
#weareutas #politas

Lots of comments on today’s @themercurycomau article about UTAS abandoning Sandy Bay. Less than 20% in support, while 60% are against #politas…

Where exactly is “Hobart’s blighted urban core”? Does it really exist outside of some overblown sales pitch? And if it does, would it be less blighted if UTAS hadn’t bought a bunch of buildings and then sat on them for years? #politas #weareutas #lgtas

This is disturbing Jason. If what your international students say is true, UTAS seems to have committed itself to a long, slow economic suicide #politas #weareutas

Nobody wants this. Staff hate it. Senior academics are opposed. It costs more than staying. And it’ll destroy a significant pull factor for international students. Why are they doing it? It’s certainly not for the reasons they’re citing #politas #weareutas

Does anyone know what @UTAS_ will do with the Central Science Lab (CSL) at Sandy Bay? The specialised CSL building has just been renovated, and moving the CSL facilities wasn't mentioned in the 'consultation'. Relocating & rebuilding these labs won't be cheap #politas #weareutas

CSL information here:…

Friends in the Glebe say @UTAS_ is meeting them this week to discuss plans for the Domain. It's rumoured they've purchased the Phillip Smith Centre &/or nearby buildings, & work will start soon. There's also talk about the fate of the rose gardens & trees #politas #weareutas

Great article in today’s @themercurycomau from a former @UTAS_ academic, questioning many of the claims made by UTAS about abandoning the Sandy Bay campus. Also raises the prospect of the university losing students through the move #politas #lgtas #weareutas

A few @UTAS_ memes that are popping up on Facebook. They appear to validate the comments in todays Mercury article - students aren’t happy about the lack of accommodation and parking in #Hobart #lgtas #weareutas

Students and staff aren’t the only groups opposed to the @UTAS_ plan to abandon the Sandy Bay campus. The #Hobart community also has serious questions, if letters to the @themercurycomau are anything to go by...
#politas #lgtas #weareutas

Bob Cotgrove’s article refers to UTAS having political clout. I think he’s referring to this - the Uni Council & senior staff include:
a former Premier
the son of a former Premier
the wife of the current Premier
a former Fairfax editor
a former News Ltd exec
#politas #weareutas

“Palpable nonsense.” Tasmania’s most famous author (and former @UTAS_ student) Richard Flanagan highlighting the dishonest arguments used by UTAS to justify its appalling decision to abandon the Sandy Bay campus #politas #lgtas #weareutas…

Flanagan on the clearly dishonest claim by @UTAS_ that retro-fitting older buildings is impossible or too expensive. You can add engineers and builders to the list of professionals who think the claim is laughable #politas #weareutas #lgtas

UTAS has already received $250M to abandon the Newnham campus in Launceston, based on exactly the same claim about its inability to refurbish old buildings. They should provide evidence for that claim as well, or give that money back…
#politas #weareutas

Where is the plan behind the move to abandon Sandy Bay? Where is the proof behind the claims? And who is responsible for the University being publicly dishonest to the point where it has trashed its own reputation? #politas #weareutas #lgtas #Hobart

“Staff were delighted, while lay administrators fumed.” The last time the university behaved this badly, it took a Royal Commission to sort them out. How much more money can UTAS dishonestly rip out of taxpayers, before the govt intervenes and asks questions? #politas #weareutas

Greg Barns getting personal about UTAS abandoning the Sandy Bay campus. He’s likely responding to letters in today’s paper, which are all opposed to the move. They make a lot more sense than his tweet, & one appears to be from @UTAS_ Professor Jeff Malpas 🤔 #politas #weareutas

Apparently @UTAS_ has designs on large portions of the Hobart Domain, with plans for new buildings, a giant carpark, & possibly playing fields. It’s not the first time the uni has tried to take this land away from locals, and it did not go down well last time #politas #weareutas

For more about the Queens Domain in #Hobart, see the inimitable Steph Catalan’s @UTAS_ thesis here:…

“I agree, a disaster”. More letters from the @themercurycomau about the @UTAS_ plan to abandon Sandy Bay #politas #weareutas

“ludicrous move to the CBD”. Still more letters in today’s @themercurycomau. Interestingly, another letter from an expert involved with the uni science labs, casting doubt on UTAS’s claimed focus on improving STEM facilities & outcomes. Was it all just a Trojan horse? #politas

“The [Hobart City] Council is not aware of any further detail other than what has been publically released by UTAS to the media.” The @cityofhobarttas confirms in writing that @UTAS_ hadn’t spoken to it about the rates offer announced weeks ago #politas #weareutas #lgtas

This week’s Sunday Tas(28/4) newspaper features a double-page(2&3) @UTAS_ advert about the new arts school, the $96M Hedberg. The fine print says “Ask a question or find an answer”, but there are no answers. Maybe after May 1? The options on the question form are also interesting

Finally an article defending the UTAS move to abandon Sandy Bay. The writer claims the move will help the "numerous rundown neighbourhoods" around the city(!). But he presents no evidence, probably because there is none. It's a poor effort #politas #lgtas…

“I pity future generations at UTAS.” The overwhelming majority of online comments are highly critical of Henry Reynolds’ article, and the decision to abandon the Sandy Bay campus #politas #lgtas #weareutas

The only compelling thing about the article is the questions it raises:
- where are the “numerous rundown neighbourhoods” around Hobart?
- what does architectural merit have to do with educational outcomes?
- how is Hobart not already a university town?
#politas #weareutas #lgtas

This has been an open secret at @UTAS_ for years....

If @UTAS_ truly had no idea about big problems with English language comprehension among international students, why did it partner with NZ-based ACG in March to deliver 'pathways' to international students, at a cost of $20,700pa per student #cashcows #politas #weareutas

Just out of interest, ACG's location on the Sandy Bay campus is inside the Old Commerce Building, which was abandoned three years ago because it was apparently structurally unsound.

“I am sure that I am not the only one who cannot understand what he is saying.” Letter to the editor about the impenetrable prose of UTAS Vice Chancellor @_RufusBlack #TheEmperorsNewClothes
From yesterday’s @themercurycomau #politas #weareutas

VC @_RufusBlack also seemed to admit this week that the Central Science Laboratory will stay in Sandy Bay, meaning CBD-based STEM students & staff would have to commute back-&-forth to use them. Letter from Distinguished UTAS Professor Ross Large spells it out #politas #weareutas

Is this where all the money is coming from? UTAS has sold rental income from 1800 student ‘beds’ for the next 30 years, along with first right of refusal for new student accommodation builds. All in return for an upfront payment, which is secret, of course #politas #weareutas

How to blow a 30-year windfall #politas #weareutas

DIF(Dutch Investment Fund):…
Tetris Capital:
UTAS announcement:…

“This is madness.” Former long-time Tasmanian journalist Bruce Montgomery sums up the decision to abandon the Sandy Bay campus. From yesterday’s @themercurycomau… #politas #lgtas #weareutas

UTAS admits its proposed Launceston campus, at Inveresk, is vulnerable to climate change-driven floods. The Newnham campus that it’s abandoning is above the flood zone, & has plenty of room for expansion. Of course. From Saturday’s @themercurycomau #politas #weareutas #lgtas

The Singapore Govt says it will no longer recognise UTAS medical degrees. The UTAS Medical Students Society says Singaporean students make up the majority of international students studying medicine. UTAS says this is uh fine. From today’s @themercurycomau #weareutas #politas

So @UTAS_ has sent a letter to the Council calling for the creation of a ‘City of Hobart and UTAS Governance Forum,’ apparently to discuss planning & rates issues. And they want to influence the make-up of the Council representatives #politas #lgtas

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