I AM MORE THAN Profile picture

Apr 2, 2019, 13 tweets

This is a thread to try to warn and protect women who could potentially come across these men. And to all the young ladies in my DMs that have so bravely come forward, I’m glad that we can confide in and heal together.

This is not just a Leicester and Nottingham problem, this is not just a university problem. This is a patriarchy problem. Men have gotten away with their disgusting behaviour for so long because of rape culture and the notion that men are entitled to women’s bodies.

Rapists and abusers are your friends, your brothers, your fathers, your cousins, your colleagues, your bosses, your teachers. They are REAL men leaving ruining REAL women’s lives.

Ahmed Amina
University of Leicester student
A few girls have come forward to say that he has sexually and physically assaulted them.

This is a video of what he did to my friend. He bit her when she rejected his sexual advances. It was so bad that she had to get a Tetanus shot. This is one week AFTER the event.

University of Leicester
An OVERWHELMING amount of girls have come forward to say that he has raped and been coerced by them.

These are his businesses.

University of Nottingham - ACS President
SEVERAL girls come forward about him. 1/2

University of Nottingham 2/2

He is prolific for sexually assaulting girls.

Funmi, a University of Nottingham student. A serial rapist who has RAPED his FRIENDS.

Sexually assault victims I want to remind you that it is not your fault.

Nahim, DMU student. Last year he was outed for purchasing acid to use on his then girlfriend. She made a thread detailing the abuse in the relationship. STILL, a few months later, many students from UoL and DMU attended his BBQ event.

Others tell their story of sexual assault.

DMU Student
Another one.

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