Claude Taylor Profile picture
Chair Mad Dog Pac. We do billboards. Am Room Rater. Fmr WH staff.

Apr 9, 2019, 8 tweets

Hello, @SenSchumer We hear you’re holding hearings on security at Mar a Lago. Do you want to hear a story about a Giant Rat and a boat?

We pulled up behind Mar a Lago. A golden shower’s distance from the sea wall and were greeted by the gentleman.

It was a Chinese fugitive and Mar a Lago member Guo Wengui and the Lady in Pink.

But then it got weird. I noticed it was easy to log in to Mar a Lagos WiFi. So I did. Weird, huh @SenSchumer

Then it got even weirder. As we enjoyed a beautiful late afternoon at Mar a Lago, I started getting some photos...

Which were of the same fugitive billionaire. But from inside Mar a Lago.

Security (private) was there. But other than mean looks and bulges they had little to do or say other than keeping other guests away. Weird, huh?

Anyway..that’s what happened.

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