Shiv Malik Profile picture
Author. Hit podcaster. Former Guardian investigations.

Apr 15, 2019, 17 tweets

Notre Dame, Paris, is on fire and it feels like the end of the world.

Anyone can use this footage

It’s getting worse. But the fire brigade has turned up. Hard to see how the tackle this. The plume of smoke is already 100s of feet long.

The central spire collapse into the heart of the building and now the twin bell towers are being torched by the ferocity of the flames

The roof is now gone.

(These are all my videos- anyone can use them)

My report

The bell tower on the left is on fire.

The left bell tower is on fire.

This is an earlier video but perhaps the most visually shocking.

It’s just gone 11:00pm and the fire is still working it’s way through the heart of the cathedral.

It’s past midnight here. The brave firefighters are still dousing Notre-Dame in the water from the Seine. But this feels like a baptism. With fire, comes rebirth. Let the morning bring new hope my cathedral on the river.

The end to this thread is this: I first kissed the woman who’d become my wife in the shadow of Notre-Dame. This morning, 12 years later, overlooking the cathedral and as our child slept, we decided to divorce. Then Nortre-Dame burned.

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